Don't cross the picket line!!!
1. a post, stake, pale (做樁籬用的尖板條), or peg that is used in a fence or barrier, to fasten down a tent, etc. see peg
2. a person stationed
by a union or the like outside a factory, store, mine, etc., in order to
dissuade or prevent workers or customers from entering it during a strike.
3. a person engaged in
any similar demonstration, as against a government's policies or actions, before an embassy, office building, construction project, etc.
4. Military. a soldier or detachment of soldiers placed on a line forward of a position to warn against an enemy advance.
5. Navy, Air Force. an aircraft or ship performing similar sentinel (崗哨) duty.
–verb (used with object)
6. to enclose within a picket fence or stockade (防禦柵欄), as for
imprisonment, etc.:
to picket a [lawn]
to picket [captives].
7. to fasten or tether to a picket.
8. to place pickets in front of or around (a factory, store, mine, embassy, etc.), as during a strike or demonstration.
9. Military.
a. to guard, as with pickets.
b. to post as a picket.
–verb (used without object)
10. to stand
march as a picket.
Lionsgate's Bill Maher upcoming docu "Religulous" got a standing ovation later Saturday. Outside,
a small group of [protestors] picketed the movie, directed by Larry Charles, who himself decided to speak with
those carrying [picket signs]
decrying the movie as an attack on religious beliefs.
That kind of publicity generally only helps a studio raise a film's awareness level.