

–verb (used with object)
1. to speak disparagingly of; denounce as faulty or worthless; express censure /sh/ (責備) of: 

She decried the [lack of support] for the arts in this country.  

2. to condemn or depreciate by proclamation, as foreign or obsolete coins.  

In this new trailer, which mostly uses the same footage, gone is the [elegiac] piano score and the [drawn-out] editing pace. 

This has a more tense, [percussive] music track that breaks into a fairly standard "hey, this is an action thriller!" [proclamation], and a faster cutting pace. 

Where the first teaser [sold] the film as a mournful but sensual tale, this [promises] a more routine thriller. I think the first teaser is more honest, based on what I’ve heard about the film, but that’s only an [impression].

1. belittle, disparage, discredit, depreciate, minimize. 

Decry, denigrate, deprecate, derogate all involve the expression of censure /sh/ or disapproval

Decry means to express one's vigorous disapproval 
of or 
to denounce: to decry [all forms] of discrimination. 

Denigrate means to speak damagingly of, 
criticize in derogative terms: 
denigrating his [works] as 
[trifling] and [poorly] executed.

Deprecate implies the expression of earnest, thoughtful 
to deprecate a plan [because of] 
possible [environmental] damage.

Derogate means to speak in such a way as to 
decrease the status, high quality, or good reputation of someone or something, making the person or object seem of less value
[Fear of change] makes them derogate 
every [proposal] put forth.


decry, descry (vv.)   
Decry means "to speak out strongly against, to disapprove publicly and emphatically": 

The [school board] decried students’ 
using their Walkmans [in] school buildings.

Descry is also Standard but relatively rare; it means "to see, to catch sight of, to discover or discern (看出,察覺到)": 

Through the [fog] 
we could [vaguely] descry the drifting

Lionsgate's Bill Maher upcoming docu "Religulous" got a standing ovation later Saturday. Outside, 

a small group of [protestors] picketed the movie
, directed by Larry Charles, who himself decided to speak with 

those carrying [picket signs] 
[decrying] the movie as an attack on religious beliefs.

That kind of publicity generally only helps a studio raise a film's awareness level.

indict (of a grand jury) to bring a formal accusation against
recrimination countercharge
refute to prove to be erroneous, rebut & confute ...I refute the accusation that
castigate to reprimand severely, punish ...castigating him as a "narcissistic" part of the human anatomy

relinguish (compelled)
cf. renounce (formally, voluntary)
abandon (further)
reproach (faultfinding, shaming)
rebuke (formally, officially)
scold (at length, irritation)
reprove (milder)

diatribe disparage
surrogate relegate ...and Samantha Morton is striking in her portrayal of Deborah Curtis before [being relegated]

vilify virility
pontificate acolyte


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