

1. a medicine that 
invigorates or strengthens: a tonic of sulphur (硫磺) and molasses. (糖蜜)

2. anything invigorating physically, mentally, or morally: 

His [cheerful greeting] 
was a real tonic.  

3. quinine water. (奎寧水)
4. Music. the first degree of the scale; the keynote. 
5. Chiefly Eastern New England. soda pop. 
6. Phonetics. a tonic syllable or accent.  

7. pertaining to, maintaining, increasing, or restoring the tone or health of the body or an organ, as a medicine. 
8. invigorating physically, mentally, or morally. 
9. Physiology, Pathology. 
a. pertaining to tension, as of the muscles
b. marked by continued muscular tension: 

a tonic [spasm].
10. using differences in tone or pitch to 
distinguish between words that are otherwise phonemically identical: 

a tonic

11. pertaining to tone or accent in speech. 
12. Phonetics. (of a syllable) bearing the principal stress or accent, usually accompanied by a change in pitch. 
13. Music. 
a. of or pertaining to a tone or tones. 
b. pertaining to or founded on the keynote, or first tone, of a musical scale: 

a tonic [chord].

2. stimulant, restorative, bracer (興奮性飲料), pickup.

soda, club soda, pop, seltzer, soda pop, soft drink(s), sparkling water, tonic (nn.) 
All these are names for nonalcoholic beverages, usually carbonated so as to fizz (嘶嘶聲), bubble, or "sparkle." 

The general terms are soft drinks (as distinguished from "hard" [alcoholic] drinks), soda, pop, and soda pop (although soda is also a clipped name for ice cream soda, a combination of ice cream, flavoring, and carbonated water). 

These beverages may have any of a variety of flavors or none at all. Seltzer (德國賽爾脫茲的天然汽泡礦泉水), club soda, sparkling water, and soda itself in the right context (as in whiskey and soda) are all essentially effervescent water. 

In New England, tonic is both a generic term for any carbonated, nonalcoholic drink and (as it is for all the rest of the United States) 
a quinine-flavored sparkling drink often mixed with gin, vodka, or rum as a highball.

Even grading on a curve, though, 

the [resonance] of the weekend's preems 

proved a tonic 
for the biz [at large].

On Saturday night, the Ryerson theater was packed for a screening of Sony's Michael Cera-Kat Dennings comedy "Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist," directed by Peter Sollett and opening Oct. 3.

It is an unquestioning, ebullient [zest] for being sensate in the world.
and Silverstone was roundly praised for her effervescent [performance].

[His imprisonment] by the government served as
the catalyst that helped transform [social unrest] into [revolution]. 
alchemy elixir 



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