n. (名詞 noun)
1. 【解】視網膜
–noun Anatomy.
the innermost coat of the posterior part of the eyeball that receives the image produced by the lens, is continuous with the optic nerve, and consists of several layers, one of which contains the rods (視覺桿狀細胞) and cones (視覺錐狀細胞) that are sensitive to light.
Have you seen Speed Racer? If not have you braved the 7 minute free preview without protective goggles? Did you experience retina burn, throbbing temples or did you love the abstraction of this "ride"?
。喉 Tonsilitis
At other times, Resnais [hyper]-literalizes the medium itself onscreen -- as with an [iris]-shot fade-out to Georges, standing alone at night outside of a [neon] cinema, or an impassioned kiss between two of the characters while the 20th Century Fox fanfare [unfurls] on the soundtrack and the title "Fin" appears on the screen -- ten minutes prior to the actual [conclusion] of the movie.【解】虹膜【植】鳶尾,蝴蝶花【希神】(大寫) 彩虹女神 (在荷馬史詩 Iliad 中為諸神的信使)
Described in the book and in the movie as leaving the house only at night because the sun hurt his eyes, this would indicate that Boo Radley was a person of Albinism (lack of [pigment] in the skin, in the hair, and in the irise[s] of the eyes.)
Did you experience retina [burn], [throbbing] temples or did you love the abstraction of this "ride"?
The film is filled to dazzling with the [vitreous] and the [translucent]
with his bald [pate], cataracts, deficient hearing
Oh, my cuss. Is she blind? She might have astigmatism or possibly a cataract of some form. Anyway, her eyes don't see well. 亂視,散光
Ben Foster risked his sight for the movie by adding glaucoma drops to his eyes for much of the shoot to [dilate] his [pupils], making him appear to be high. He'd hide in the bushes at night and cover his eyes between takes to keep the lights from shining into them. He would also talk to Nick Cassavetes with his eyes closed. 青光眼,綠內障
Yves Montand and Charles Vanel both [contracted] conjunctivitis after filming in a pool of [crude] oil and being exposed to gas fumes. 結膜炎
So this movie was seen, unfortunately, by a lot of people, [trough] the prism of that relationship, as opposed to for what it was, which was an attempt to do a very faithful adaptation of a famous story by a great American writer.
Seen [through] the prism of the Lin family, this complex family drama from Taiwanese master Hou Hsiao Hsien details a [brief] but [crucial] moment in Taiwanese history between 1945,
The [focus] of most lorgnettes this evening is Ellen Olenska (Michelle Pfeiffer)
If not have you braved the 7 minute free preview without [protective] goggles?
Should we be wearing goggles?
She's nice enough, she's blonde, she has blue eyes... She looked at me insistently. That beautiful myopic stare.
Palmer is the first action hero to wear glasses (Caine is [my]opic in real life).
You know what $32 gets you at periodontist these days?
How's that endodontist of yours? 齒髓學
The orthodontist was so pissed off...
that set the standard for anybody wishing to approach the angular packages of spectacles, [orthodontic] braces, giant [craniums], and even bigger ears,
Well, I have a background in med surg, but I've floated in orthopaedics.
close, shut, or stop up (a passage, opening)
with the cusps of the opposing teeth of the upper and lower jaws fitting together
Meaning is [elided], [occluded], or embedded in texture and ambience.
There appears to be something engraved on the inside of the patient's lower incisors. 門牙,前齒
Marisa Tomei, becomes engaged to a [podiatrist].
You know, I was going to get a pedicure tomorrow.
So how's the chiropody business? 腳病治療
I moved your tennis lesson up an hour, the chiropodist is at 4:00, and we moved the hair treatment to Friday.
Chiropody is feet. Chiropractic? I stare at back all day. 脊椎按摩
- May 16 Fri 2008 19:35
Retina (續:眼牙足 醫療器材 單字大集合)