

n. (名詞 noun)

          1.    活人的魂;鬼[C]

The Columbia Guide to Standard American English

bring 2, fetch (vv.)

These are interchangeable Informally and at Conversational levels of speech, but there is a distinction that purists like to enforce and that Edited English prefers: 

you bring something from where you now are, as in Since you're in the kitchen, could you bring me a glass of water when you come back? 

but you fetch something that is elsewhere, as in Would you fetch me my glasses when you're upstairs? 

Both are Standard in this use. 

Fetch is also Standard in to fetch a good price. To fetch someone a blow, meaning“to hit him or her,”is old-fashioned, Informal, and Conversational, as is the meaning“to attract,”as in That outfit really fetches me

The adjective fetching and the adverb fetchingly, however, are both Standard in their senses of“attractive”and“attractively.”


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