a. (形容詞 adjective)
1. 纖細的
2. 稀薄的
3. 貧乏的;平淡的
4. 脆弱的,無力的
1. thin or slender in form, as a thread.
2. lacking a sound basis, as reasoning; unsubstantiated; weak: a tenuous [argument].
3. thin in consistency; rare or rarefied.
4. of slight importance or significance; unsubstantial: He holds a rather tenuous [position] in history.
5. lacking in clarity; vague: He gave a rather tenuous [account] of his past life.
the tenuous [bond] that forms between the pair soon leads to a warm friendship that could either lead them down a dangerous path or provide the human companionship needed to see things from a fresh perspective and start life anew.
However, if the thematic structure of Tierra does, indeed, follow the behavior of geometric fractals, then what does Ángel's struggle for the soul represent?
A struggle for the mind of a hopeless madman with a tenuous [hold] on reality? Have we been recounted the tale of The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (Robert Wiene, 1919) but denied its revelatory conclusion?
showing deference, deferent, respectful
However, Allen continues to [sprinkle] in enough self-deferential humor to ease the sting of his attack.
Roughly assuming the role of one of Cain's [milquetoast] fall guys, Billy Bob Thornton is Ed Crane, a [gray]-looking, closed-mouth barber who cuts hair alongside his brother-in-law Frank,
Clara already has a beau -- though Alan Stewart is even more of a milquetoast than Jody and is led by the nose by his mother.
Moorhouse came to Hollywood on the strength of this debut and directed the blander How to Make an American Quilt.
without interest or significance, dull, insipid
deficient or lacking in nutritive value
a jejune [novel] [diet]
there is something [jejune], even [juvenile], about the snarl and arrogance of its conceit
Idealism and defensiveness both propel his [jejune] political and literary pronouncements—he declares himself a Fourierist,
having an odor or flavor suggestive of mold
an ambling scarecrow under [boater] and musty cloth [coat]
Platitudes, Doctor. I'm waiting for your solution. For men like you, Mr. McCallum, there will never be any solution.
dull, ordinary, platitudinous
inane, pointless
Sorry, I didn't mean to... No, it's me. I was looking for someone. A woman. It's perfectly banal.
stale and worn out through overuse
Duffy introduces the entire all-male cast through freeze frames and title cards, but that hackneyed [device] is the most personality any character gets, including mobsters so criminally underdeveloped, they might as well be the good guys.
[true] but trite
I always like to go into things I'm scared of, so I eventually found it -- "liberating" is kind of a [trite] word -- but it was fun. It was scary but fun.
George Sluizer's original Dutch-French version of The Vanishing (1988) reveals the [capacity] for evil [lurking] beneath the most [banal] surfaces and the dangers of wanting to know too much.
"Rachel" is as American as apple pie. "I've Loved You So Long" is as French as tarte du pomme. [Hackneyed] expressions, but there you are.
Now this all may sound like the kind of [trite] and [sappy] "feel-good" story that gives Hollywood a bad name.
esp. menial or servile
the drudgery of [household] tasks.
like much of the drudgery of [everyday] life.
What hooks you, amid the strange dismay, is the [humdrum]: the dry cleaning that Leonard was carrying before his leap.
a flimsy [structure]
a flimsy [excuse]
the new movie has the [flimsiness] of a comedy from that era, and half of the films that Mike and Jerry seek to revitalize are of similar vintage.
just that having such a [flimsy], ill-defined point isn't only cliché, but lazy as well.
Shelley never flinches [from] how horrible he is,
she allows him to have [a] [humanizing] emotional fragility that Jeremy Sisto plays with great skill.
The lead character is said to be pretty unlikable (it is "funny, yet sad/pathetic and a little [un]flinching in the way it doesn't let the female lead's [grotesque] narcissism and or insecurities off the hook," says the Playlist) and that's something that Theron and Reitman together should be able to [capture] and also properly [manage].
flint, esp. in hardness. a flinty [heart].
with granite-[hard] bullet play.
He was a despot with a [heart] of granite.
that the Australian actress had "uncannily got down the [skittish] movements, wary eyes, [curt] mumble and occasional flashes of brilliance, and comes far closer than anyone else to [approximating] the Dylan the public knows."
The actors are effortlessly engaging. Tracey Heggins [plays] skittish at first, then warmer and playful.
No, I'm just skittish, Mr. Quick. Just plain skittish.
There’s no word yet about how Michael Fassbender’s abrupt departure from the film last week [reflects] badly on every male actor. We can only hope it won’t make producers skittish about hiring men to star in movies from now on.
cringe ←
He always cringes before the [boss].
cower ↑
The [dog] cowered when its [master] beat it.
The magazine seems to run itself while they cower [behind] the steel door of their bedroom.
Trevor Reznik weighs 121 pounds and you [wince] when you look at him.
his cocky romancer in "Diner," could only [wince] and look away.
Leigh looks so young, fresh, cheerful, and innocent that we don't laugh when she gets into unhappy scenes with men -- we wince.
The gray-brown [tones] of her life in Glasgow [reflect] her emotional habitat, and the bright colors of Spain cause her to [wince] in pain.
displaying both his [quicksilver] inventiveness and [hangdog] self-deprecation.
Add that to Williams' distinctly non-threatening [hangdog] demeanor -- culminating in a so-what anticlimax followed by a [pat] explanation for his relative "madness" -- and what's left is a [patchwork] art-student thesis film with little to say about alienation, consumerism, or family dysfunction.
All That Heaven Allows was remade by unabash[ed] Douglas Sirk admirer Rainer Werner Fassbinder as Ali--Fear Eats the Soul (1974), in which the age gap between hero and heroine was even wider.
But who will be brave enough to contact George Clooney, or Denzel Washington, and propose them for the role of a wuss?
everyone had either an opportunity or a motive to do the [dastardly] deed.
This isn't some spooky house. There are no dastardly plans.
Exactly the opposite, be like and tremulous cat.
- May 16 Fri 2008 00:11
Tenuous (軟弱 陳腐無趣 游移 諂媚屈服 後代傾向 勇敢 單字大集合)