

a. (形容詞 adjective)

          1.    煙火的;像煙火的
          2.    燦爛的

One day, director Paul Thomas Anderson and his crew tested the pyrotechnical effects of the oil derrick fire, causing an enormous billowing of smoke, [intruding] the shot that Joel Coen and Ethan Coen were shooting.



§ 軍事

a vacation or leave of absence granted to an enlisted person 
Hello Jacques. On Furlough? And how! He's got eight rebels in one bush! Recognize him, Jacques Rivette.
If you box as good as you used to, we'd be a cinch this year. You ain't forget, division champs get ten-day furloughs, did you, son?

Armistice Day
Benjamin is born of the [armistice] and is lovingly raised by a black attendant,

civvies. Also, civies. civilian clothes
a civilian
We dress up in civvies and we're as good as the rest of the world.

Dirty bastard! They got me holding a little GI and kicking him with an iron boot. You see that, what's on my boot? A swastika.
An unexpected visit from his ex draws him into a bizarre case that involves all sorts of colorful characters including “a murderous [loan shark], a tenor sax player working undercover, [and] an ex-con with a swastika tattoo and a fondness for Ethel Merman.
cf. mutter
The [troops] were mustered for an attack.
muster [roll]
A gag reel under closing credits hints at better, loopier comedy than "10 Things" can generally [muster].
But I do approach each trailer with as open a mind as I can [muster] given my general leanings. In this case everyone knows (and I'd never deny) that I vew cradle-to-grave biopics as the [mustiest] of all film genres.
draft for military or naval service
So, were you conscripted into Lincoln's army, Mr. Evans? Or did you volunteered? Neither... maybe both.

A [loud] bugle aroused everyone from sleep. 軍號
In the opening scene of the original version Gerald Fletcher warns Carter that the Newcastle gangs "won't take kindly to someone from The Smoke [poking] his bugle in".
I won't be back in time to take retreat. Or reveille, either. 起床號

There were six "centuries" (100 men) to a cohort, ten cohorts to a "legion" (therefore 6000 men). A century, then, would correspond to a company, a cohort to a battalion, and a legion to a regiment.
Carrying on something awful. I've had her on me hands all morning. Called up and asked to join his regiment tonight.
Her transposition of Herman Melville's novella Billy Budd to a French Foreign Legion post on the Horn of Africa is a mosaic of pulverized [shards]. 古羅馬軍團
And the tetrarchs of Sodom. (羅馬帝國行省的) 四分領太守 (古代希臘軍隊) 方陣分隊長
Hop in my chariot. (古代的) 雙輪戰車 (或比賽馬車)
and he is not helped by his decision to recruit an entire [battalion] of veteran British performers.【軍】營
What was the scandal that worried the law and order brigade?【軍】旅
At a time when homosexuality was a criminal offense in England, any film that depicted the gay scene in a non-judgmental light was in for a rough time from the [bluenose] brigades. 
What really startled filmgoers of 1962 is that the homosexuals shown in Victim were seemingly normal, everyday [blokes], a far cry from the stereotyped "nance" characters common to films.
In an interview with the British film critic Jonathan Romney, Ms. Hadzihalilovic rebuffed the suggestion that her film might be essential viewing for the raincoat brigade. p
The film's principal characters are divided by [caste]: aristocratic industrial Henry Wilcox (Anthony Hopkins); middle-[echelon] Margaret and her sister Helen (Helena Bonham Carter); and working-class clerk Leonard Bast (Sam West) and his wife (Nicola Duffett).【軍】梯次編隊
In the wake of raves in Venice and Telluride for her performance in Black Swan, Natalie Portman finds her [supernova] star in rapid [a]scension as she fields offers from upper [echelon] directors.
Under the burning African sun
Cochin-China, Madagascar
a mighty phalanx [hoisted] up our banners
Its motto, "Honor and Valor" makes for brave soldiers 方陣
Anderson’s phalanx of adoring fans has already started to speculate [on] The Master’s Oscar potential. 

You are planning an armada of launderettes? What do you think of dry cleaners?

Kilmer is a [close]-cropped martinet who [addresses] pep rallies with a vaguely Hitlerian salute
Hansel, a wistful glam-rock fan living with his [martinet] mama in East Berlin,
there's dopey fun to be derived from Brad Pitt's space [cadet] and Saul Rubinek as a Hollywood producer whose ego transcends morality,
Reeves is delightful in a part that surely doesn't echo his own Zen-space[-cadet] offscreen image by mere coincidence.
thereafter, he [reconnoiters], figuring out "who she's been eating with,
Unfortunately, Fido's collar goes on the fritz briefly, resulting in the [demise] -- and subsequent revival -- of the lane's least beloved [old] biddy.
You're not an adjutant.【軍】副官,人事行政參謀
And we shall have to have an adjutant. Major Race is the senior man.
In the DVD re-release, there is a subtle but controversial difference in one of the still photographs of a Nazi concentration camp in southern France. In this version the distinctive profile of a [French] gendarmes can be seen at one of the camps, implying that the French Vichy government of the time was aware of and perhaps involved in the management of the camps. (法國等的) 憲兵
and I noticed the Eurostar passes very close by. Perhaps a passenger saw something. At that speed? Check up on that. I have to meet the gendarmes.
The gendarmes by the [station] say only three men boarded the midday train to Paris.
Post-prison, Rhoda takes a job as a [janitor], her golden [locks] trailing out from under a gray [beanie], blowing her cover as an anonymous [plebe]. 陸海軍官校的一年級生【古】平民

I can still see the sun shining, the parasols, the flashing uniforms of the young officers. I thought then that I would marry a soldier.
equipment, apparatus, or furnishing used in or necessary for a particular activity
We were digging through ancient file cabinets in the basement trying to find old Vice photos or [paraphernalia] from the first few issues to have a hearty laugh at, but what we ended up with is so much more,
the equipment, excluding weapons and clothing, of a soldier
his staff and costume designer Daniel Orlandi have advisedly soft-pedaled the mid-['70s] accoutrements so as not to distract too much from serious matters at hand. 
He decides to turn right towards a town to power up his iPod and [refill] his canteen. (工廠、學校等的) 餐廳,販賣部 (軍中販賣食品等的) 福利社 (士兵等用的) 水壺
she was elected "Miss Sweden" in the Miss Universe [pageant].
the dazzling panoply of the maharaja's [procession]
the full panoply of a Royal [funeral]
Dannelly and Urban drop hints here and there of the [panoply] of Christian youth culture around the edges of the school

I remember, uh, right before it and right after it and one moment where I thought the medevac was gonna land on top of me.【美】軍用直升機



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