

[Origin: 1555–65; hypochóndrios pertaining to the upper abdomen (supposed seat of melancholy), equiv. to hypo- hypo- + chóndr(os) ensiform cartilage + -ios adj. suffix] 

n. (名詞 noun)

          1.    憂鬱症,臆想病

The scene that Matillda focuses on in the essay --the "where am I?" moment, I barely noticed the last time I watched the movie and now I want to watch it again right now. Probably not a good idea when my hypochondria has been in full bloom this week.



Most troubling is the character of Rose, played with discomfiting [catatonia] by Camilla Belle.
Probably not a good idea when my hypochondria has been [in full bloom] this week.

An anonymous tip leads Isaac to a clandestine fraternity of "wannabe amputees"—physically [intact] individuals who yearn to be disabled.
foible n.
We all have our foibles, and mine is prompt settling of accounts.
Ageing, furtively [kinky] Donald Pleasence is married to sexy young Francoise Dorleac.
Despite the fact that neither of the two former lovers are the same people they were back in the day, their [kinky] sexual relationship is nonetheless [re]kindled.

and his character's [jittery] paranoia got an unexpected boost from Bowie's well-documented cocaine abuse in this period,
With jittery [editing] and gloomy cinematography, Peckinpah creates an unsettling atmosphere of foreboding,
jitters, nervousness, a feeling of fright or uneasiness (usually prec. by the)
He's got [the] jitters. If you need a tough guy,  he's all yours.
She was so happy that day. No jitters, nothing.
My first concert, I was so nervous, I vomited all down my tuxedo. It was so embarrassing. Want to know how I got over those jitters, Nathaniel? I prayed.

wait, without motion
suggest cowardliness and stealth of movement
Later, as Jihei skulks [about] the house as his wife runs the family business, he overhears that Tahei has at last bought his former lover's contract.
slink, of abject meaness of manner
continuous roaming for prey

Norton has done some [publicity], appearing at the US premiere of the picture on Sunday, skulking [up] a specially dyed green carpet with perfunctory geniality.
a slink [calf]
a slinky [gown]  
The plan is for Stauffenberg to carry a briefcase bomb into the fortified bunker where he will be meeting Hitler, and then to [sidle] out before it blows. 

Despite being closely watched, the [devious] dude surreptitiously creates a sort of high-tech armor suit that turns him into "a destructive Robbie the Robot" and enables him to [thwart] his captors 
When no one was looking he took a surreptitious [puff] on his cigarette.
about men awaiting chemical warfare and an alleged million-man army while playing football in the sand sporting gas masks, [surreptitiously] pleasuring themselves and giving each other grief about unfaithful girlfriends and wives.
admitting or capable of some specified treatment
susceptible of a [high polish]
susceptible to [various interpretations] or [colds] [flattery]
Mae, influences her and how Angela, in turn, [influences] her impressionable little sister, Ellie.

unpredictable, arising from sudden whim
a capricious [administration] constantly and [in]explicably changing its signals; 
a capricious and astounding reversal of [position]. 
underlying perversity as a cause
once [lionized], now [rejected] by a fickle public. 
The mad ravings of Peter Finch's [messianic] Howard Beale become an almost sane response to the systemic rot, but the corruption is too deep and the TV [audience] too fickle.
innate disposition to change
an inconstant [lover], flitting from affair to affair.
lack of resolution of firmness
an [indecisive], vacillating [leader], apparently incapable of a sustained course of action. 
She is a very erratic [tennis] player.
Our rowboat's [course] was erratic after we lost the [oars].
He's too [erratic] a writer and 
too [flaccid] a director
to balance the [smirky]-dirty humor with the [schmaltzy] sensitive shit. 
That may also be down to the erratic outputs of so many of the film-makers (stand up, Gus Van Sant and Richard Linklater) who have kept on [trucking] into the present day.
the vagaries of [weather] [economic] scene. 
Though the title refers to the vagaries of their [relationship]
It’s rare to hear actors [publicly] criticize their fellow [thespians]. Professional courtesy aside, I expect it can be rather dangerous, too, the vagaries of casting being such that you could easily find yourself working [opposite] the very person you’d previously bad-mouthed. 
Alain Resnais's third feature film, like his earlier Hiroshima Mon Amour and Last Year at Marienbad, is devoted to the vagaries of memory

After the death of his wife and his subsequent descent into alcoholic near-agoraphobia, a [crotchety] Pakistani intellectual convinces his [shady] entrepreneur brother to provide work for his son in this multi-layered portrait of the immigrant experience in Great Britain.
He blows up [cropped] arms, legs and [genitals] so that they’re heavily [pixilated] and almost look like Grand Master paintings.

inconspicuous, but actually with grave effect
an insidious [disease].
using an accepted [jocularity] in dealing with misguided members of the far right that [masks] the insidiousness of this form of [nostalgia].
While countless films paint [monstrous] pictures of the horrors of bad parenting, Little Children [sheds] light onto the much more [insidiously] easy trap of negligent parenting.
Twisted into [insidious] grins, their blood-red lips [ooze] a comic horror that will [seep] into the lives of the film's real kids,
It's [insidious], the way Highsmith seduces us into identifying with him and sharing his selfishness,
In any event, Chabrol's insidious style is more absorbing than the plot, as it should be.
Lee effortlessly illustrates his message -- that the most [insidious] kind of racism [comes from] within his community -- in a variety of ways. 

He combines his [firm] but friendly demurral with a huge not-too-fake-white smile and I suddenly understand why every woman I know (and teenage girls [galore]) are [doolally] for Gosling.

displaying both his [quicksilver] inventiveness and [hangdog] self-deprecation. 
He was cruel, [treacherous] and unscrupulous.
My [memory] is treacherous.
the drivers are [obliged] to transport highly [volatile] nitroglycerine shipments across some of the most treacherous terrain on earth.
Jan’s old friend, Jacobi, proves to be a [quisling].
perfidy n.
an act or instance of faithlessness, treachery
perfidy that goe[s] unpunished.  
suffers little guilt over the perfidie[s] he commits on Willie's behalf
He discreetly joins up with the German Resistance - a [cabal] of high-ranking military and government [bigwigs] who meet in dark
Somebody sent all those letters to me and signed them with your name, right? A well-orchestrated cabal could easily manage all of these simple things, children.
I hate her and I hate that little snitch of bitch that ruined you in Virginia.
But a grown-up and a child shouldn't be friends. I know that when I was little, I didn't like those grown-ups who'd try to charm me, or try to establish complicity with me. What's complicity? Complicity is being pals, it's sharing secrets.

a person who changes to the opposite party or [faction], reverse[s] principles, etc.; [renegade].
Among those who cross his path in the film's tense, tingling 105 minutes are a slimy gangster (Paul Stewart), a turncoat scientist (Albert Dekker), and the dead woman's sexy roommate (Gaby Rodgers).


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