"There will be blood everywhere in Egypt, even in the wooden and stone containers." -- Exodus 7:19 

柔伊迪香奈在預告片只有路人戲份哎呀!開頭音效讓我想起唐人街水壩,好像地下燒仙草隨時會爆發似的。H.W. 父母原本不認識丹尼爾戴路易斯,租了美國黑幫來看,很怕屠夫形象會嚇壞小朋友,劇組於是推薦純真年代。

PTA 拍滿江紅前天天看碧血金沙,並寄約翰休士頓記錄片給 DDL 準備角色,也就是 Daniel Plainview 原型。場景設於詹姆士狄恩鑽油小鎮,大火所製造烏雲影響柯恩兄弟進度延後一天。

丹尼爾戴路易斯因為 戀愛雞尾酒 成為 PTA 影迷。


[情報] 保羅湯瑪斯安德森電影 There will be Blood 劇本初探
[觀點] 略談 2008 奧斯卡獎 最佳男女主角 入圍
[觀點] 略談 2008 奧斯卡獎 最佳影片 入圍

賭國驚爆 Hard Eight (1996)

 ← based on the novel "Oil!" by Upton Sinclair

滿江紅 There Will Be Blood
158 min. 2007

Daniel Day-Lewis ...  Daniel Plainview 
Kevin J. O'Connor ...  Henry Brands ← 神鬼傳奇之菩薩保佑我
Dillon Freasier ...  H.W. Plainview
Paul Dano ...  Paul Sunday / Eli Sunday 

That's the closest I'll ever come to getting a knighthood, so thank you.  My deepest thanks to the members of the Academy for whacking me with the handsomest bludgeon in town.


I'm looking at this gorgeous thing that you've given me and I'm thinking back to the first devilish whisper of an idea that came to him and everything since and it seems to me that this sprang like a golden sapling out of the mad, beautiful head of Paul Thomas Anderson.  I wish my son and my partner, HW Plainview, were up here with me, the mighty Dillon Freasier.  So many people to thank.  One amongst them would be Mrs. Plainview, down there, the enchantingly optimistic, open-minded and beautiful Rebecca Miller.  I hope that all those to whom I owe and to whom I feel the deepest gratitude will forgive me if I say just simply:  Thank you, Paul.

這座小金人還真是耀眼,本人正回想保羅湯馬斯安德森那些呼之欲出的鬼點子。我希望我的兒子,父母,HW 普連優,優秀的 Dillon Freasier 能夠同我站在台上。有太多人要感謝了。其中之一就是台下的普連優太太,樂觀,開朗,美麗的 Rebecca Miller。但願那些沒被點名的人們,原諒我只簡單地說句:「謝謝你,保羅。」

I've been thinking a lot about fathers and sons in the course of this, and I'd like to accept this in the memory of my grandfather, Michael Balcon; my father, Cecil Day Lewis; and my three fine boys, Gabriel, Ronan and Cashel.  Thank you very much indeed.  Thank you.




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