"What could have been a thriller in the hands of a different director, in the case of Claude Chabrol has become another witty and observant social commentary about the eternal confrontation between the rich and the poor." -- allmovie
吃奶者夏布洛將一部驚悚片,提升到另一部永無止境的階級鬥爭電影。鑒於近來觀影經驗,我會說這電影是大快人心 (外來者入侵堪稱友善中產) plus 班尼的錄影帶 (目的動機未解釋)。馬的!吃奶者夏布洛吃奶圖看起來像高達,其實他是猥褻版本的廖俊。
《施公奇案》廖俊:Don't degrade me!!!
《海灘》維吉妮亞拉朵嫣 (赤子冰心後一年) 組成全明星陣容,也無法掩蓋女僕短裙 look 桑德琳波奈
兒身為當代最偉大女演員之一的風采,而威尼斯頒給她座名正言順的 Volpi Cup,與有別 stuffy 形
當我們眼睜睜看著女僕短裙 look 桑德琳波奈兒因閱讀障礙 (dyslexic or illiterate) 而身心俱疲,怎可能不為這位當代最偉大女演員傾倒且心碎呢!
Judgement in Stone, A (冷酷祭典) [1995]
based on the novel "A Judgment in Stone" by Ruth Rendell
冷酷祭典 La Cérémonie
109 min. 1995
Isabelle Huppert ... Jeanne
Sandrine Bonnaire ... Sophie
Jean-Pierre Cassel ... Georges Lelievre
Jacqueline Bisset ... Catherine Lelievre
Virginie Ledoyen ... Melinda