Jack: Why do you always focus on the negative? Didn't you see how friendly she was to you?
Miles: She works for tips!
Jack: You're blind, dude. Blind.

Jack: Just don't give up on Maya. Cool smart chicks like that, they like persistence.
Miles: I don't want to talk about it.
Jack: All I know is she's beautiful. Lots of soul. Perfect for you. I'm not going to feel good about this trip until you guys hook up. Don't you just want to feel that cozy little box grip down on your Johnson?

Miles: Half my life is over, and I have nothing to show for it. I'm a thumbprint on the window of a skyscraper. I'm a smudge of excrement on a tissue surging out to sea with a million tons of raw sewage.
Jack: See? Right there. Just what you just said. That's beautiful. A thumbprint on a skyscraper. I couldn't write that.
Miles: Neither could I. I think it's Bukowski.

被前段婚姻所羈絆的憂鬱文采小胖,為什麼會和婚前把握最後風流的老帥哥好朋友?因為他們大學住同一間房間。聰明妹比較難把,要多用點心,瑪雅真是知識份子的女神。其實保羅吉麥蒂今年也才四十,之前以為他已經混很久了才靠危機三部曲紅起來。保羅吉麥蒂是康乃狄克人,耶魯高材生,英文戲劇雙學位。單身貴族飾演一個在餐廳當眾接吻,質問旁人看什麼看的角色。冒牌高手非常白痴,卡司有山姆搖滾好和史帝夫贊恩,DVD 封面打 Focus 出品,但我查 IMDb 查不到資料。 

1992 Singles
1995 Mighty Aphrodite 
1997 My Best Friend's Wedding 
1997 Donnie Brasco
1998 Saving Private Ryan 
1998 Safe Men [Starring] 
1998 The Truman Show 

Singles (1992)

by Cameron Crowe 
Bridget Fonda
Campbell Scott!!!
Matt Dillon
Bill Pullman  
Paul Giamatti ...  Kissing Man

05 ← Virginia Madsen is Lillian Gish 


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