
"My boyfriend's got a HUGE cock, and he..."

"What? Your boyfriend's got a HITCHCOCK? How happy would that make him? I'd like to meet your boyfriend, though I don't know what that means..."

前些日子經夏綠蒂與莎曼莎綜合體之 友人 引介,走往某藝廊參訪,面對魚貫而入的藝術品與藝術家們,筆者不斷質疑自己就竟是喜歡電影作為一門藝術?亦或僅係膚淺的藝術電影迷弟?如果筆者真從電影裡參透了什麼,為什麼換個媒介就如此忸怩不安?我不知道,筆者只知道我還有太多電影來不及看,太多迷弟模式 (fanboy mode on!!!) 來不及開啟。要繼續做個前腳跨出一步,隨即後腳縮回半步 (every time we take one step forward, you take 2 steps back) 的踟躕不前聖盃國王 (King of Cups) 就是了哼哼。前進與後退之自辯得參考去年在馬倫巴雕像。

cups14 maj17 既然說到塔羅牌就一定要提個【JOJO冒險野郎】(JoJo's Bizarre Adventure),前些日子同事說她問工作抽到星星 (The Star),筆者興奮地疾呼冷氣一哥空条承太郎的白金之星是史上最強的替身,當場在 (再度) 辦公室情境被動作 (台語) 外星人十五分鐘。然後空条徐倫的愛慕者安納蘇,其實就是 Anna Sui,第六部《石之海》(Stone Ocean) 大概達到這部科幻時尚經典的娘砲泰鼎了。【】是筆者專門用在電影的標點符號,《》則是電影以外作品例如音樂專輯或書籍,所以對於【JOJO冒險野郎】筆者採【】代表該怪力亂神邪典第四部《不滅鑽石》(Diamond is unbreakable) 之隱晦層次與情感波動足以媲美電影!

相當不熟稔的賈克‧李維特 (Jacques Rivette) 如是說,能夠被希區考克東區粉圓小小影響死而無憾,不知道要貼在哪裡所以先貼在這裡哈 ↓

I guess I like a lot of directors. Or at least I try to. I try to stay attentive to all the greats and also the less-than-greats. Which I do, more or less. I see a lot of movies, and I don’t stay away from anything. Jean-Luc sees a lot too, but he doesn’t always stay till the end. For me, the film has to be incredibly bad to make me want to pack up and leave. 

And the fact that I see so many films really seems to amaze certain people. Many filmmakers pretend that they never see anything, which has always seemed odd to me. Everyone accepts the fact that novelists read novels, that painters go
to exhibitions and inevitably draw on the work of the great artists who came before them, that musicians listen to old music in addition to new music… so why do people think it’s strange that filmmakers – or people who have the ambition to become filmmakers – should see movies?

按:布魯諾‧杜蒙 (Bruno Dumont) 很明顯就是李維特說的那種刻意強調自己沒很愛看片,拍出來的片又鳥到一種極致之廢物噗噗。

When you see the films of certain young directors, you get the impression that film history begins for them around 1980. Their films would probably be better if they’d seen a few more films, which runs counter to this idiotic theory that you run the risk of being influenced if you see too much. Actually, it’s when you see too little that you run the risk of being influenced. If you see a lot, you can choose the films you want to be influenced by. Sometimes the choice isn’t conscious, but there are some things in life that are far more powerful than we are, and that affect us profoundly. 

If I’m influenced by Hitchcock, Rossellini or Renoir without realizing it, so much the better. If I do something sub-Hitchcock, I’m already very happy. Cocteau used to say: "Imitate, and what is personal will eventually come despite yourself." You can always try. 


「空条徐倫姊姊有危險了,我要請天氣預報葛格趕快去救她才行。」一名棒球小孩如是說。(哪天把【喬喬的奇幻冒險】這部離奇 (bizzare) 科幻時尚邪典翻第二次來寫個關穎心得好哩!!!) 然後我不懂為什麼作者要在第六部把空条承太郎可以說是喬喬系列最重的角色給毀了。

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