

「若以影評喜好為尺規,伍迪艾倫目前作品素質正呈現『好壞壞好壞壞』趨勢,所以繼網球電影和西班牙電影回春後,爛到極點之 You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger 將迎接 Midnight in Paris 這部傑作的誕生。」

版主 於 November 6, 2010 05:48 PM 回覆 | 刪除 | 修改回覆 

「昨天夢到伍迪艾倫新電影果然如我模式預測超棒滴,而且女主角是 Rebecca Hall,新人女配角是比 Rebecca Hall 更正的正姐,just as the former did in the "Woody Allen is back!!!" modern masterpiece, Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008)。應該是首度夢到 (虛構) 電影畫面。」

2010年12月5日 7:57 收回讚 

Woody needs to make 2 bad films in order to make 1 good film, for the time being.
接下來是伍迪艾倫自【愛情決勝點】迴光返照後,每年都有作品素質一好兩壞 (爛蕃茄新鮮度) 之時間序列:

92% 2011 Midnight in Paris
43% 2010 You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger
50% 2009 Whatever Works
82% 2008 Vicky Cristina Barcelona
46% 2007 Cassandra's Dream 
39% 2006 Scoop
77% 2005 Match Point 

除了【命中注定遇見愛】可能 (也不可能再更) 是筆者唯一討厭之伍迪艾倫電影,偵探電影,杜思妥也夫斯基電影以及替身電影皆為筆者看得相當開心的佳作,然而,很遺憾地,我痛恨如是說【午夜巴黎】並未如筆者預期優秀,至少遠不及【愛情決勝點】與【情遇巴塞隆納】帶來之深刻情緒波動。

1. ostentatious in one's learning.
2. overly concerned with minute details or formalisms, especially in teaching. 

【午夜巴黎】絕對是伍迪艾倫掉書袋高潮 (orgasm),本片之前所有作品掉書袋加起來的重量都比不上本片,沒有誇大,因為伍迪艾倫用了半部電影長度之篇幅,以某種超現實 (oops!... I did it again) 手法恣肆掉書袋,並探討「黃金時代」(golden age) 這耐人尋味迷思。

(生於) 歌頌九零,神話六零如筆者,曾和一位明明同年卻因為小時候大哥哥大姊姊都喜歡八零而莫名緬懷八零的學長,有著以下結論:因為我們自以為比別人品味高超,因此唾棄當代,讚揚某個自以為比別人認識更多的年代,好證明自己品味確實超凡入聖。

"For God's sake, Gerry. I asked you a simple question; there is no need for you to become Woody Allen."
-- Sliding Doors (1998)

伍迪艾倫在【塔羅牌情人】心有餘力不足之表現,給予 賴瑞強森 賴瑞大衛 扮演伍迪艾倫機會,當我們驚艷 Owen Wilson 於預告如此 Woody Allen impersonified,商業成功藝術落魄的好萊塢熱門寫手不也是歐文最佳寫照?別忘了這位瞇眼嘟嘴鼻樑扭曲的傢伙,和成龍合作幾部災難電影,進而成為家喻戶曉搞笑諧星前,可是與 Wes Anderson 共同編劇【天才一族】的絕世英才呀!

高更認為文藝復興才是黃金時代。你問筆者最嚮往之黃金時代為何?當然是可以蒐集丹妮芙剪報,參加高達映後座談的六零年代,說不定還可以偷張丹妮芙香奈兒代言海報哩!但我不敢告訴布紐爾要拍個中產階級無法離開派對 (政黨) 的電影,怕他想半天想不出來是什麼神祕力量抑制中產階級然後就不拍了。

飾演 F‧史考特‧費茲傑羅的 Tom Hiddleston 是雷神索爾壞哥哥 (or 弟弟)。



"Just saw the Family Matters episode with Larry Johnson from the Charlotte Hornets, I can’t believe Converse used to market kicks with a huge tranny going by the name 'Grandmama,' gotta love the 90s, they were doinitrite."  

-- E.F.G.ary on tumblr

"The fact is that Gil is a romantic fool, because he would be happy, living in the total State perpetual denial. And the name of this fallacy is, the complex of the golden age. It is the misconception that a different time period, it is better than live us. Do you understand?. It is the failure of the romantic imagination of these people, that costs faced with the present."


Photolautrec Henri Marie Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec-Monfa or simply Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (24 November 1864 – 9 September 1901) was a French painter, printmaker, draughtsman, and illustrator, whose immersion in the colourful and theatrical life of fin de siècle Paris yielded an œuvre of exciting, elegant and provocative images of the modern and sometimes decadent life of those times. Toulouse-Lautrec is known along with Cézanne, Van Gogh, and Gauguin as one of the greatest painters of the Post-Impressionist period. 

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