

1. loss, damage, disadvantage, or injury. 
2. a cause of loss or damage. 

1. See damage.

loss. Damage, detriment, harm, mischief refer to injuries of various kinds. 

Damage is the kind of injury or the effect of injury that directly impairs appearance, value, usefulness, soundness, etc.: [Fire] causes damage to property

Detriment is a falling off from an original condition as the result of damage, depreciation, devaluation, etc.: Overeating is a detriment to [health]. 

Harm may denote either physical hurt or mental, moral, or spiritual injury: [bodily] harm; harm to one's [self-confidence]. 

Mischief may be damage, harm, trouble, or misfortune caused by a person, esp. if maliciously: an [enemy] who would do one mischief.

The caped crusader gets a stunning dose of hardcore dramatics in The Dark Knight, director Christopher Nolan's ambitious follow-up to Batman Begins. Hailed as the first real big screen adult take on a popular comic mythos, the film goes to great lengths to show that costumed characters can indeed exist in genres outside of their [comfort zone] - which in this case, spells gritty crime drama. 

Nolan's Gotham City might be beautiful, but it's decaying from the inside out - as are most of the people in control of it. So [at] what point do the efforts of a costumed vigilante cease to have an impact on the society he vows to protect - and when does his mere presence present a detriment to them when it's all said and done? It's these kind of hefty issues that embody what could accurately be touted as a reinvention of the entire superhero film altogether.


see scathe

detritivore Animals which primarily consume dead plants are referred to as detritivores.
gritty nitty-gritty 
paean [at] some level a paean of praise to the fortitude and moral courage that 
taunt taut The rope was taut, and so was the ship’s discipline


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