


–verb (used with object) 
1. to attack with severe criticism. 
2. to hurt, harm, or injure, as by scorching. (把...燒焦,把...烤焦)

3. hurt, harm, or injury.  

Yet just as Burton reshaped the character to fit his own gothic tastes, so does Christopher Nolan paint a picture all his own. By [luring] audiences [in] with a consistently light first half and then turning things bleaker as the movie progresses, the filmmaker has created a truly engrossing tale of modern decay. By the end, much has changed and no one is left unscathed. 

loll lull
mole moll mull

It's not an easy story to either tell or sit through. There are casualties - and this most certainly is not a crowd-pleaser in the typical sense of the word. By eschewing what many others in his field are doing with similar comic properties and seeking out his inspiration elsewhere, Nolan shows that mature thematic material can have new life when adapted for even the most beloved heroes of the printed page. 

Critically, he does overshoot things a bit by bringing in slightly heavy-handed messages into the final chunk of the film - and it seems that a few characters really got the short end of the stick (Scarecrow, anyone?). Perhaps the rumored 3-hour cut would iron out a few of the film's issues, including rushed character arcs and especially one seemingly needless late set piece. The action, while improved in this installment, also is a bit hampered by some confusing techno-gadgetry (in one of the only moments where the action is dictated by fantastic spectacle). 

thwart stultify

Still, with its virtuoso vision and near avant-garde score from James Newton Howard and Hans Zimmer fueling the picture's ever-growing dread, The Dark Knight stands on its own in a world full of easy entertainment. Perhaps someday someone will be able to happily marriage the best that both Nolan and Burton brought to the screen -- until then, this remains an impressive feat of studio-backed artistry. Like it's own crime fighter, the movie is a symbol that aspires for greater things; where it will lead is anyone's guess.


see detriment

indict (of a grand jury) to bring a formal accusation against
recrimination countercharge
refute to prove to be erroneous, rebut & confute ...I refute the accusation that
castigate to reprimand severely, punish ...castigating him as a "narcissistic" part of the human anatomy

castigate 嘲笑羞辱指控單字大集合

vilify ignominy pontificate

joust jostle jut jot jolt 
tad streak fig slew
loll lull
mole moll mull


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