Rachel Weisz Is in Bloom
By Nick Haramis
April 29, 2009
Darting through the Sahara with a preserved corpse. Murdered at a crossroads in Kenya. Kicking ass alongside conmen brothers and their explosive sidekick in Prague. The edgy and earthy Rachel Weisz hasn’t exactly been easy to track (or pin) down. But with a young son at home, an Oscar on her mantel and three new movies in the can, the daring and elusive actress takes a minute to consider her illustrious career, all the while trying to make sense of the condom shorts on display at Manhattan’s New Museum.
Like most major stars, Rachel Weisz understands that scandal shines brighter than Academy Award polish, and that tabloid gossips would kill to replace the Narciso Rodriguez gowns in her closet with skeletons. But there are no addictions in her past. There are no tapes documenting torrid affairs with boldface, bald-headed studio executives. One cannot even recall a single of her awards-show acceptance speeches colored by too much red wine. Weisz can’t be blamed, then, for wanting to shake things up. "Believe me," she says. "I get it. I’m living with a nice man, and I have a nice job and a happy family, blah, blah, blah… "
Far from Hollywood, a diorama of desperation and loaner implants, Weisz has created a home in Manhattan’s East Village with her fiancé, Darren Aronofsky, the director of fantastically unconventional fare such as Pi, Requiem for a Dream, The Fountain and this year’s The Wrestler. With their 2-year-old son, Henry (Weisz wrote one of her two university theses on the ghost stories of Henry James), they live in a townhouse amid the tattooed punks and NYU co-eds who occupy the tattered streets near St. Mark’s Place. Weisz often dines at Café Mogador, a Moroccan restaurant (where she also conducts the majority of her interviews). On rare nights out, she stops in at Zablozki’s in Brooklyn, the no-fuss beer den owned by Aronofsky’s best friend, Ari Zablozki, and Angel’s Share, a lounge above St. Mark’s Bookshop that serves "the best lychee cocktails in the world."
遠離好萊塢,一幅狼狽與債權的西洋鏡,懷茲和未婚夫蝶龍‧阿諾夫斯基,夢幻驚駭作品如【死亡密碼】【噩夢輓歌】【真愛永恆】,以及今年的【力挽狂瀾】之導演,在曼哈頓東村建構了一個家。和他們兩歲大的兒子,亨利 (懷茲以亨利詹姆斯大學鬼故事命名),與佔據聖馬克街支離巷道的刺青龐克和紐約大學女學生住在多棟聯建住宅。懷茲經常於瑪歌朵咖啡館用餐,一家摩洛哥餐廳 (也是她接受多數訪問的處所)。某晚,她在布魯克林的查布洛斯基停下,該無憂慮啤酒館乃蝶龍摯友阿瑞‧查布洛斯基所擁有,以及安琪拉股份,聖馬克書店樓上,提供「全世界最好喝的荔枝雞尾酒」的小歇。
Café Mogador
Angel's Share
筆者一直認為我這麼捧蝶龍,是因為他把到瑞秋懷茲 ↑
But there is another Rachel Weisz, an actress who exudes subtlety and strength. Watching this woman onscreen is not unlike angling through a swarm of tourists at the Louvre for a better look at Mona Lisa’s smile: take one step, and in an instant, her tenor changes dramatically. She is quicksilver, and has shifted effortlessly between a thrill-seeking Egyptologist, a prostitute, a pickpocket, a blue dragon, a policewoman (and her twin sister) and a writer with a penchant for graying men. In each case, she commits to the fiction, mocking vanity through her own game of make-believe—"like pirates," she says, "or smugglers."
但瑞秋懷茲有雙面,另一面是散發微 (ㄨㄟ) 妙與堅毅的女演員。於大螢幕欣賞這女人不像在羅浮宮為了一睹蒙娜麗莎的微笑與烏合觀眾推擠:向前一步,頃刻,她是戲劇變色龍。她善變,優遊於冒險埃及學者、娼妓、扒手、泡泡龍 (這三小!!!)、女警 (和她雙胞妹),以及癖好老男人的作家。每個角色,她表現虛構,藉她的假扮遊戲諧仿浮華—「就像海盜」她說,「或是走私業者。」
按:有人可以告訴我娼妓和泡泡龍 (blue dragon) 各是哪兩部電影嗎?
Over the next few months, Weisz will star in three studio releases, including this month’s grifters’ yarn The Brothers Bloom, featuring a stacked deck of actors like Adrien Brody, Mark Ruffalo and Rinko Kikuchi. In director Rian Johnson’s absurdist wonderland of theft, betrayal and card tricks, Weisz plays Penelope, an idiosyncratic heiress in search of adventure. Weisz raps, juggles, skateboards and crashes cars (many cars) as she sets off on a journey with two conmen brothers and their monosyllabic arsonist-sidekick Bang Bang. Adjectives in the realm of "lovely" and "electric" do not do Weisz justice.
接下來的幾個月,懷茲將主演三部大製片,包括本月份金光黨故事【騙行無阻】,卡司們如衰眉道人、馬克盧法洛和菊地嶺子領銜。身處導演萊恩強森的荒謬夢幻島,詐騙、背叛與金牌手充斥,懷茲飾潘妮洛普,追求刺激的貴婦女繼承人。和兩位金光黨兄弟與流川楓縱火份子班班的旅程途中,懷茲鬼扯、雜耍、溜滑板並玩命關頭 (撞毀許多車車)。在這「可愛」與「勁量」領域,你找不到形容詞來形容懷茲。
按:萊恩強森前作為【追兇】(Brick, 2005),期許他成為下一個駕馭好萊塢電影的獨立製片導演!
[日舞] Brick (2005)
Later this year, she will star alongside Susan Sarandon and Mark Wahlberg in Peter Jackson’s adaptation of The Lovely Bones, based on Alice Sebold’s bestselling novel about rape and murder, and Agora, a historical epic directed by celebrated Chilean filmmaker Alejandro Amenábar. (On the set of Agora, co-star Max Minghella nicknamed the actress "Dr. Weisz" because, he says, she is “such a deeply curious person. It really is a shame that she’s such a bloody good actress, because she would have made a champ psychoanalyst.”)
Teaser Trailer: Amenabar’s Agora Starring Rachel Weisz
cute shoes damn hot!!!
As it turns out, she also would have made an outspoken art critic. Crossing New York’s Bowery, a sociological zoo of homeless missions and luxury hotels, we approach the New Museum. "You must check out the work of Thomas Ruff," Weisz says, holding open the entrance door. "He’s a German artist who takes pictures of Internet porn and then blurs them digitally. He blows up cropped arms, legs and genitals so that they’re heavily pixilated and almost look like Grand Master paintings. I own a little one he did that shows a girl with her panties falling down," she adds, her crimson cheeks betraying a slight blush.
New Museum
Thomas Ruff
Without question, the most cherished pieces in her collection have been created by punk icon Raymond Pettibon. "I think he’s a poet," she says, walking through an exhibition devoted to the urbanization of modern-day China. "I bought Darren a piece from a series that Pettibon did on surfers. It’s a picture of Jesus on a surfboard and it says, 'Proof that everything is rideable.'" Her big eyes grow bigger when describing "Untitled (Aretha)," a red block made from amber that could easily be mistaken for a monster Jolly Rancher. It was created by her friend, conceptual artist Roni Horn, and Weisz swears it’s “the sexiest block you’ve ever seen... but it’s Aretha Franklin!”
毫無疑問,她的收藏裡最受疼愛之珍寶,出自龐克肖像雷蒙派提本之手。「他是個詩人」她說,走過當代中國都市畫展覽。「我從派提本衝浪者系列給蝶龍買了禮物。那是個耶穌乘衝浪板的照片,註解著『萬物皆可駕馭的證明』」描述「無標題 (艾瑞莎)」時,她的大眼睜得更大,一個琥珀製成的紅色框框,看起來很容易被誤認為糖果怪獸。她的朋友,概念藝術家朗尼霍恩所創造,懷茲發誓那是「你看過最性感的方塊……但那可是艾瑞莎弗蘭克林呀!」
Raymond Pettibon
Jolly Rancher
Roni Horn
Aretha Franklin
米基洛克你這個雜碎,敢再 親吻 我堂堂威尼斯金獅蝶龍夫人,就叫【噩夢輓歌】黑人伺候你!Punch!!!
Crossing the main floor of the museum, Weisz shrieks at a pitch normally reserved for scratch-ticket winners and newly engaged sorority sisters. "Viagrate! Is Viagra called Viagrate in China? Wait, is that a joke? Condom shorts! They’re entire shorts with a condom on the end! This must be jokey stuff, like from the joke shop."
The elevator doors open onto the fifth floor of the gallery, into what looks like an Israeli refugee camp. Spray-painted phrases like "Terror Error" share space with Tinky Winky, the purple Teletubby that Jerry Falwell accused of homosexuality. "It’s all very Tracey Emin-ish," says Weisz. And she’d know. In 2003, she reprised the role of Evelyn, her stage character in Neil LaBute’s The Shape of Things, for the writer-director’s film adaptation of the same name. As the calculating art student who manipulates and transforms an impressionable loser into a handsome but miserable bachelor, Evelyn is plucked directly from the pages of the Turner Prize–winning artist.
Tinky Winky
Jerry Falwell
Tracey Emin
Neil LaBute!!!
Turner Prize
"I’ve met her," says Weisz, quietly. "She’s very scary. She came to see the play, and I met her in the bar afterward. She’s an amazing character, very… provocative." It’s clear from Weisz’s raised eyebrows that "provocative" intrigues her.
In The Brothers Bloom, Weisz’s character Penelope tells Adrien Brody’s Bloom that "a photograph is a secret about a secret... the more it tells, the less you know." It’s a statement that Weisz considers over fish tacos at Café Habana, a Cuban diner in Manhattan’s NoLita. Privacy, she thinks, might actually work against her; the less one offers up, the more ravenous media vultures become. "Have you ever heard the saying, Happiness writes white? It’s a good expression, isn’t it? It means that if the story is too happy, no one will ever be able to see it on the page."
【騙行無阻】裡頭,懷茲角色潘妮洛普告訴衰眉道人布魯「一張照片是個關於一個秘密的一個秘密……說越多,知道越少。」那是懷茲吃完哈巴那咖啡館魚肉塔可所發表聲明,一家位於曼哈頓諾麗塔的古巴餐廳。隱私,她認為,可能老是和她作對;一個人提供越少,媒體鯊魚越嗜血。「你有沒有聽過,快樂難以眼見?很好的表達,不是嗎?意思是如果故事太快樂,將沒有人看到 (相信)。」
Café Habana
年少莫輕狂 Saturday Night and Sunday Morning
90 min. 1961
Directed by
Karel Reisz
Produced by
Tony Richardson
Albert Finney ... Arthur Seaton
Shirley Anne Field ... Doreen
Rachel Roberts ... Brenda
Rex Harrison (21 March 1962 - 1971) (divorced)
Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (浪子春潮) [1960]
因為喬琪姑娘 篇幅 不夠,所以在這裡介紹瑞秋懷玆 look alike 二號:英國威士比一哥亞伯芬尼成名電影【年少莫輕狂】小美人 Shirley Anne Field,其他代表作還包括【偷窺狂】(湯姆煞到 兔唇女)【風流奇男子】(俏護士)。