這組義大利一哥一姊 Asia & Adrian (不想紅) 照片拍超好的
還有我強烈懷疑法國本土一姊 Ludivine Sagnier 是因為英文不好所以無法外銷國際
本系列整理 IMDb 就有的語錄實在很廢
Date of Birth
20 September 1975, Rome, Italy
Birth Name
Asia Aria Maria Vittoria Rossa Argento
Daughter of Dario Argento and Daria Nicolodi.
Her great-grandfather is Alfredo Casella, one of the most important composers of Italian Futurism.
Speaks Italian, French, and English.
Alfredo Casella 1883~947
Was engaged to Michael Pitt (2004)
Was engaged to actor Vincent Gallo (1998)
Has been romantically linked to actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Starred in three films which were screened at 2007 Cannes Film Festival; Catherine Breillat's Old Mistress, Olivier Assayas's Boarding Gate, and Abel Ferrara's Go Go Tales.
如果每片 photocall 加首映會記者會都有出席的話
I want to be adopted by the french. I want to go to live in Paris. I want to live in a country where a guy like Gaspar Noé can direct his films without going to jail. I don't want to live in Italy, the country of the apes, and end up being an actress with an onion placed where I once had a heart, that instead of beating, it stinks.
Gaspar Noé 為卡索賢伉儷電影【不可逆轉】(Irréversible, 2002) 導演。新片【進入空虛】(Enter the Void, 2009) 入圍今年坎城競賽片。
In Italy people think I'm a cliché. The dark lady, the bitch from hell. All they can see is that I'm naked.
Italy to me is like the mean mother. Whatever I do, it's never good enough. People say I'm the queen of Cannes, but in Italy I get turned down for work.
The questions about my father [director Dario Argento] get less and less, and I'm relieved about that. No, I wasn't by the things he did to me in his films. I never thought of it like it was me doing it, because he would say, "It's only a movie," and I thought the same.
I always saw myself as really ugly. My father even told me I was ugly because I would shave my head and look like a boy. Then, when I was 21, I was offered this part in a movie where I was supposed to be really sexy [Michael Radford's B. Monkey (1998)]. It was strange for me to have to research femininity, but I found out these tricks for getting attention that I didn't know before. It was a kind of revenge, I guess, on all the kids who said I was ugly at school.
B. Monkey (1998)
After xXx (2002) came out, because of all the publicity, I was wearing Prada and going to the gym, and I had an agent in L.A. and all this shit that I've avoided for years. I felt that was expected of me, that I had to be a sexy bombshell. I started receiving all these offers for these kick-ass chick sort of roles. But it didn't make me very happy, to tell the truth, and after giving birth, it all felt different. I don't mean to sound like a bourgeois moralist, but it's true - I started thinking, "What is Anna [her daughter] going to think?"
【限制級戰警】上映後,因為是熱門強檔,我身穿惡魔品牌並到體育館健身,在洛杉磯雇有個經紀人,以及所有我積年累月想避免的狗屁。我被期許為性感到爆炸的性感尤物。我開始接到這些嗆辣紅椒的角色。但我並未因此快樂,老實說,身為人母,一切都不同了。我不希望聽起來像個布爾喬亞道德家,但不騙你—我開始思考,「安娜 (小女) 將會做何感想?」
XXX for Asia Argento (27)
Sean Lennon - Dead Meat
我覺得有可能是 Asia Agento
- Apr 26 Sun 2009 01:22
[亞洲] Asia Argento:義大利對我來說就像個嚴母。