「若真有 groundhog day 這東西存在,我希望那天就是 the day I met Ludivine Sagnier。」
–verb (used without object)
to enter a state of hysterical rapture or ecstasy: The teenagers swooned at the sight of the singing star.
其實到現在筆者還是無法接受整件事情的經過,儘管體驗了兩次,因為 that fact that "我偶像會來" 實在太詭異太 (比布紐爾還) 超現實了,就跟假設筆者今天中了樂透大獎,餘生都不用工作,於是精心策劃綁架了暗戀已久芳名 Chloë Sevigny 的美術系學生,第二天醒來筆者還是會問自己「我真的綁架了小克嗎?」一樣。明天要繼續 Ludivine Sagnier (因為沒體驗過所以) 認為很 "異國情調" (exotic) 的辦公室情境倒是真的。Shoot me!!!
[points at 乾柴烈火 dvd and continues signing] "This is a very good film."
Noah Baumbach 來我就可以問很多有深度的問題。"Did Whit Stillman inspire your Kicking and Screaming?" "How did you come up with the instant classic Monica Vitti line?" "What was it like to work with Wes Anderson?" the list could go on and on...
- Nov 14 Sun 2010 00:13
[> < /////] "I'm a big fan of you, I'm I'm I'm... speechless."