"Cholë" means "green/verdant/blooming" in Greek...

"Cholë" means "green/verdant/blooming" in Greek, is that where your name is coming from? You have European origins,
how American do you feel?


My mother's parents were Polish, but my fateher's family has been in America for a long time. I certainly feel more like an American. My name has origins in Greek mythology, it was the epithet of the goddess Demeter; it also has biblical origins... My friends make fun of my name twisting it to "Clover". Well I hope I'm still "blooming"... (she laughs)

Demeter 我外公外婆是波蘭人,但老爸世代是土生土長的美國人。個人還是比較偏向美式。我的名字來自希臘神話,農業女神黛美特的別名;也和聖經有關…… 朋友都叫我「幸運四葉草」。希望我還是三八一朵花……(哈)


Tell me... what about your professional choices towards your chracters and the directors you have worked with?


I think a lot of my characters are kind of outsiders or feeling a bit alienated from their environment, which I think I have in common with most of them. Also I think that almost every director I've worked with has been a writer-director: it is something I have been very conscious of and I have tried to maintain in my career, working with directors that I admire even if the part may be small. It is more the opportunity to work with people I admire.


You mainly act in independent movies, your meeting with the director Larry Clark for "Kids" is legend by now. To stick into this path, in this direction, was it more something that just happened out of luck or a conscious choice?


I think it was a bit for both. After "Kids", which was my first movie, I was still very young. I had an idea of how I wanted my career to go and at the same time those were the only parts that I was offered. Actually I was also offered some parts in bigger commercial films that I turned down, because they felt way too big at the time especially for my age. So yes, I think it was conscious even if I wasn't very aware of what would happed.


Kids (1995)

You have been saying how they often uderestimate the humour and ironic side in Lars von Trier's films. How was it working with him? 


I think he is famous for giving all the "big" actors a difficult time, but with supporting actors he is very kind and playful. He likes to do lots of teasing, but acting with Lars was an amazing experience because he wants you to try all kind of things and gives you space to experiment. Also you know he's going to take care of you because his movies are so beautiful therefore you feel more comfortable trying all sorts of strange things.


You have declared it was very hard working with Lou Doillon in Douglas Buch's "Sister" because suddenly you felt like one of those mature actresses side by side with the young and beauty hit of the moment. Ironic or true?


Have I?! I said that? She was very young and beautiful, I think it was the first time I have worked with somebody a lot younger than me; also it was the first time I had work with another actress that I felt... not threatened by, I couldn't understand getting older how to share the screen with someone so attractive and charming. It was the first time that I'd experience that as a woman and as an actress, it was interesting to go through those emotions. I don't thinkit will happen again... 

06 有嗎?哪有!她的確很年輕貌美,那是我首次和比我年輕許多的演員合作;況且那也是我首次和……不是感到被威脅的女演員合作,我一時無法適應和如此妖嬌美豔的可人兒共享螢幕。身為女人和演員,這樣的情感流動初體驗很有意思。我不認為會有第二次了……

按:原本露朵倫角色屬艾夏亞珍朵 (Asia Argento) 所有!等妳變成老克就會有很多次。

Sisters (2006)

You have been the first big name booking a revolving room at the Guggenheim museum...how was it?


I have a great relationship with the people working at the Guggenheim and I go there often, and I think they just thought it would have been nice for me to do that and invited me. I was delighted because I didn't have to pay for it! (she laughs) I like Carsten Höller's work. I go there with Rita Ackermann and we had good time but they didn't allow us to run around... I thought we were going to be able to run around in the museum, but they had security guards kind of breathing on your neck!

我和古根漢美術館工作人員關係很好,也常去光顧,我猜他們覺得該給我施點恩惠所以邀請我去。我好高興因為那是免費的!(哈) 我喜歡卡松歐雷的作品。我和瑞塔艾克曼一起出席,留下美好時光,但古根漢美術館工作人員不讓我們到處跑來跑去,我原本以為他們願意讓我們在美術館裡到處跑來跑去,不過警衛伯伯會冷不防地對你脖子吹氣!

Carsten Höller 

What is imperfection for you?


For me it means anxiety. I am a control freak and I've always been a perfectionist so I always wish I could be kind of messy, but I kind of like everything to be kept in line... which is boring I think! (she laughs)


In 2010 you will be acting in Werner Herzog's "My son, my son, what have you done". What do you think of Herzog's work?


Herzog was very controlled, which surprised me. I thought that the environment would have been very loose, more improvisational. He had a very precise idea of how he wanted us to come out on the screen, where he wanted us to stand, how he wanted us to shift our head, all very exact, something I didn't expect. He also was very gentile, he would touch you so you knew he was there watching and I really liked that about him. He had this gentle side you usually don't see or hear often about him.



produced by Lynch

What are your future's plans? 


I think I am going to make a film with my friend M. Blash. We made a film together couple of years ago called " Lying" which went to the Cannes film festival but it never got released unfortunately. I also want to go back to the Italian sunshine!


按:皇天不負苦心人,小克與珍妮馬龍主演的乏人問津坎城電影【躺著】(Lying, 2006) 五月中旬終於要發行一區 DVD 哩

感謝 hhalleberry 的逐字稿!


詳全文請點 這裡

小克曾 列舉 M. Blash 為男裝時尚靈感,其他人選包括:Nick Cave (但他又高又瘦穿什麼都馬好看)、Dave Gahan、Joe DeNardo、Ben Cho、Q-Tip (circa 1992)。其中 Q-Tip 乃饒舌樂史九零三大經典團體之一 A Tribe Called Quest 首腦人物,九九年單飛發行個人專輯,台譯「小費樂團」。M. Blash 為電影【溫蒂與露西】(Wendy and Lucy, 2008) 獻聲。



「…… 」

「珍妮馬龍,妳不要自以為臉長就可以假裝 Claude Jade 接班人於坎城現身。」


「我不認識什麼 Donnie Darko 啊!」




Dirk Bogarde 1921~1999


Vitti in androgyny look 

春花秋月未了情 Darling
124 min. 1965

Best Actress in a Leading Role
Julie Christie
Best Costume Design, Black-and-White
Julie Harris
Best Writing, Story and Screenplay - Written Directly for the Screen
Frederic Raphael

Laurence Harvey ...  Miles Brand
Dirk Bogarde ...  Robert Gold
Julie Christie ...  Diana Scott
José Luis de Villalonga ...  Prince Cesare della Romita (as Jose Luis De Villalonga)
Roland Curram ...  Malcolm
Carlo Palmucci ...  Curzio della Romita
Hugo Dyson ...  Matthew Southgate (uncredited) 

在這裡介紹【午夜牛郎】翰史勒辛格英國時期執導的【春花秋月未了情】(Darling, 1965),女主角茱莉克莉絲蒂二十五歲時擊敗【真善美】茱莉安德魯絲拿下奧斯卡影后,茱莉克莉絲蒂是艾爾帕西諾最哈的女演員。模特兒黛安娜小名達伶,周旋於談論家 Dirk Bogarde 都會貴族 Laurence Harvey (諜網迷魂) 等男人間。

黛安娜和 Dirk Bogarde 外出偷情時假裝是接線生打給對方老公老婆,很可愛,結果黛安娜和 Laurence Harvey 幽會時也用同一招。黛安娜同都會貴族到巴黎遊耍時,於某派對玩真心話大冒險:眾人搭成圓圈交換彼此衣物,音樂停止時被指定者必須扮演某人回答問題。黛安娜被牙齒不整黑人扮演,感到害怕,但她看到都會貴族趁機把妹,隨即扮演都會貴族婊他進行報復。

Few films provided more accurate commentary on London's Swinging Sixties than Darling: manifesting the era's amoral, carefree hedonism in its title character, the film is a satirical stab at a time and place too often padded by the forgiving dementia of nostalgia.
The fact that Christie won an Oscar for her disturbing portrayal points to her effectiveness as an actress and the resounding chord that her character struck among viewers and critics.
Social satire had rarely come in a more photogenic package and was thus all the more devastating. 
Although centered on a distinct era and setting, Darling's satire remains as fresh and eviscerating as it was in 1965: how many viewers can fail to recognize the hypocrisies that continue to mark modern life? Timeless on almost any level, Darling is both a glorious indictment and a calculating documentation of an unforgettable time and place. 

-- Rebecca Flint Marx, AllMovie 

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