"If you know you are going to fail, then fail gloriously!"


When asked what colour her hair is: "Look, it's one of the great mysteries of the world, I cannot answer that question. I think I'm vaguely blonde. To be perfectly frank, I don't know."
我的頭髮是什麼顏色啊?( 你是想在雜誌來個凱特布蘭琪小檔案嗎?) 這大概是世界上最難解的謎團之一吧,我無法作答耶!老實說我真的不知道,但我應該勉強算是個Blondie。

When asked if she has ever appeared in "Neighbours" (1985): "Absolutely not. I'm an actress."
( Neighbours是像親戚別計較那種俗爛電視影集嗎?)

On the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy" "I had never done anything with blue screen before, or prosthetics, or anything like that. "Lord of the Rings" was like stepping into a videogame for me. It was another world completely. But, to be honest, I basically did it so that I could have the ears. I thought they would really work with my bare head."

 sooo cute!!!

"If I had my way, if I was lucky enough, if I could be on the brink my entire life - that great sense of expectation and excitement without the disappointment - that would be the perfect state."

It's part of my job. You can't play Veronica Guerin [puts on heavy Strine] sounding like this. It just wouldn't wash. But what I find fascinating about doing an accent - unless it's a farce - is that it's not slapped on. [on doing many accents]
你總不能讓Veronica Guerin這樣說話吧!( 濃厚澳洲口音 )  腔調這東西真的不好揣摩,不過我覺得迷人之處在於,那並不是全民大悶鍋。

The more you do it, the more you learn to concentrate, as a child does, incredibly intensively and then you sort of have to relax. I remember the first film I did, the lead actor would in between scenes be reading a newspaper or sleeping and I'd think, "How can you do that?"


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