

n. (名詞 noun)

          1.    褻瀆聖物
          2.    悖理逆天的行為

The Columbia Guide to Standard American English

sacrilege (n.), sacrilegious (adj.)   
Watch the spelling of the vowels in the second and third syllables; these words are neither related to nor spelled like religion or religious. 
Sacrilege’s Latin ety/mon(day)/ was formed of sacer, "sacred" and legere, "to gather or steal"; sacrilege is "the stealing of sacred things" or doing other violence to them.

Music composer Michael Kamen at first thought it was a "sacrilege" to use Beethoven in an action movie, telling McTiernan: "I will make mincemeat out of Wagner or Strauss for you, but why Beethoven?" McTiernan replied that Ode to Joy had been the theme of the ultra-violence in Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange (1971). Kamen, a Kubrick fan, then agreed.

see blasphemy


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