Mary: Do you like quotes, Howard?

Howard: What do you mean?

Mary: Oh, you know, like famous quotes?

Howard: I find reading them inspirational, and in my reading, I've come across some I thought you might like too.

Mary: Oh, well, I... I'd love to hear some.

Howard: There's one that goes, "Blessed are the forgetful, for they get the better even of their blunders."

Mary: That's Nietzsche, right?

Howard: Yeah. And here I thought I could tell you something you didn't know.

Mary: Oh, no. It's... It's a good quote. I'm happy we both know it.

Mary: Yeah. Oh, and there's this other one I like. It's by Pope Alexander, and it goes...

Howard: Alexander Pope? Oh, yeah.

Mary: Yeah, shit. It's just that I told myself not to say "Pope Alexander" and sound like a dope, and then I go ahead and say it.

Howard: It's no big deal. You're such a sweetheart.

Mary: The quote goes, "How happy is the blameless vestal's lot? The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. Each prayer accepted and each wish resigned. "

無瑕心靈的永恆陽光絕對不是我最喜歡的考夫曼,雖然那是考夫曼最受歡迎的作品。我的最愛考夫曼是考夫曼最不滿意成果的神經殺手:目前仍舊保持每導必出影帝的喬治處女導,曾被我封為痞子版諾頓接班人的Sam Rockwell。( 只可惜他不想紅 ) 

但無瑕心靈的永恆陽光是我看得最舒服的考夫曼,最沒有壓力的金凱瑞,最繽紛的凱特溫絲蕾。正當觀眾忍不住要問「片名為什麼要叫無瑕心靈的永恆陽光啊?」的同時,Alexander Pope信手拈來,就像本片捕捉情人間最無常也最令人回味的片刻般自然。


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