Anyway, when I was at the network, there was this gal from some ten-watt station in the Midwest where she did the weather. The weather. So she comes up to New York in her best Donna Karan dress-for-success knockoff, blonde hair all done up in a French twist, and an audition tape in her imitation leather briefcase, along with a letter of introduction from her station manager. And it says:

"Please give your most serious consideration to the bearer of this letter -- miss So-and-so. Who is of moderate intelligence, who has some experience in broadcasting,  and more importantly, who can suck your cock until your eyes pop out."
And you know who that gal is?
Is that true?
It's true. And here comes the best part.

This is the best part. About ten years ago, I'm at some TV conference somewhere. And I run into that station manager and I congratulate him on his letter-writing skills. And he doesn't know what I'm talking about.
Why doesn't he?
Because he didn't write the letter. 

說故事的人很明顯是在說一個 (出自業界的把妞101或者原創) 讓自己更容易把妹 (妮可) 搞上床的 (虛構) 故事。

95年的 To Die For,葛斯范桑的上乘黑色喜劇。最騷的妮可突破花瓶形象,拿下金球影后,諷刺的是,該角正是個不折不扣的大花瓶。很哈妮可的青少年 Joaquin Phoenix 當時很瘦很帥,也和馬臉班之弟 Casey Affleck 成為好朋友。

Joaquin, Casey & Gus Van Sant:The Phoenix Family


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