Being directed
CM: One last question. Which is - Watching all your films over the last week...
AK: I've been a little bit too long, hein?
CM: No, not at all, not at all.
AK: That's because I haven't been in England for a long time.
CM: Watching the films over the last couple of weeks, what's really striking is how different they are, and how different you are in them. How did you prepare for each one? Was there a... How did Godard direct you?
AK: Godard doesn't really direct anybody you know. He's like, holding you, inventing everything. It's like a ballad. It's like something you... It just works.
CM: Okay, let's just take Alphaville. What did he tell you about Alphaville? What did he say?
AK: Well he never tells anybody anything. We never had a script. What I can say is that... You just saw the film. What was amazing, maybe not today but at that time, there was no light, you know, and he went to England to make a stage, is that what you say? He went to the labo...
CM: Laboratory.
AK: Laboratory. Because there was this new pellicule.
CM: Film. Kind of film.
AK: No; not film. Yes film. Pellicule. And he went to England to learn about this because it was very ... you just saw the film, as you can see it's very sensitive, .... Because what he liked about this was you didn't need to make a lot of light you know. There was no need for that. So he stayed for three months in London in the labotary, labortry
CM: Lab, lab. In the lab.
AK: Okay, in the lab. Let's be American. And he learned about that and he came back and he said to everybody, "I've got this new film to you know, without light. It's fantastic. You can film at night, you can film everywhere." And everyone said, "You must be joking, there's no need. This is full of shit. It's never going to work." And of course so we started the film with Eddie Constantine, with everybody, and Raoul Coutard, who was the chef of photography, he was not allowed to put any light. I mean sometimes you see an ampoule, how'd you say - a lamp? That's all. And there's no light. And he said, "I don't even want to go to the rushes. There will be nothing on the screen. He was sure of it." He was mad.
← 簡單來說,拉烏寇塔先生是六零年代的神。
He was right, Jean-Luc, because, I don't know, I haven't seen the copy tonight, but normally you can really see people, even with no lights. So Jean-Luc was right. And of course he had a lot of ideas like that. But I guess... We had to make a lot of shots, because it was so sensitive, the film. So he was afraid of small problems on the screen. But it worked.
CM: Okay, thank you. Now we'll throw it open to the audience. Over there.
A doll and a marionette
Q: In all the films that you did with Godard was there any moment where you said, "No I will not do this, it's crazy, it's not going to work?"
AK: No, because we never knew before what we were going to do. We had the dialogue five minutes before, so we were so involved with learning the text that we're not even asking what's going on. (laughter)
Q: Was Godard curious about other directors?
AK: Sometimes he was very jealous, yes. (laughter). But most of the time with Visconti he was very proud. Because Visconti is a fantastic director too.
有,高達是個善妒的傢伙 (哈)。他認為自己和威斯康堤是一時瑜亮。
Q: Did he ask you about what Visconti was like to work with? Was he curious? Was he a big fan of Visconti?
按:《異鄉人》(Lo Straniero),一九六七年馬斯楚安尼共同領銜主演。
AK: Oh, a very big fan. No he didn't...Jean-Luc doesn't ask that kind of question. He is very respectful when he admired somebody like Visconti. But on the other hand sometimes, he didn't like me too much to, I'm talking about when I was very young of course, he didn't like to work too much with the other directors, but well I did because I haven't done only seven films in my life. I've done about 67, or something like that, plus the TV and the theatre plays. Well, Jean-Luc is somebody who is very respectful, and he loves what's beautiful. It's the most important thing I guess. You cannot be jealous of something... I mean what's beautiful is beautiful, you like it. When you love art, you're like that.
Q: (In French). How did it feel to be treated as a doll and a marionette?
(法語) 對於被視為洋娃娃魁儡做何感想?
AK: D'abord, j'adore les poupées et les marionettes. I love it. (laughter) But I really feel like a woman too and I think that... Bon, vous comprenez l'Anglais ou pas, par ce que vous parlais Français? Probablement mieux que moi. Non non. I loved it. I really felt like a woman, and I mind to be sometimes a marionette, sometimes a doll, sometimes a chipie, sometimes somebody else. That's the art of an actress. Or and actor. It's not a problem. Maybe you should see all the films of Jean-Luc Godard - you've only seen two you told me - before you make a judgement. Because I think he's one of the directors who has done the most variation. And done the possibilities for the actors to give all kind of sentiment.
起初,我愛死洋娃娃魁儡了 (哈)。嗚啦啦……還是操回法蘭西第四共和小俏妞母語吧!你這死英國佬是不會講英文喔?法語又沒老娘英文好…… 不,我並不在意,身為女人,變換角色如魁儡、洋娃娃、婊子、任何人都是演員該嚐試的。或許你該看完高達全集再下評論,因為他是最多才多藝的導演之一,也為演員創造各種可能的情感。
Q: What was it like to work on Fassbinder on Chinese Roulette?
AK: Oh it was a very exciting two years. He was a little bit down at that point, but, did you see his film? Did you like it?
Q: Yes.
AK: I think it's a film that's got some kind of ...It's very strange but it's a good film. And well it was kind of the same thing. We had the dialogue about five minutes before we were shooting, and so we went to Cannes. And we stayed away about three weeks and then I kind of got bored, because I've got to learn German because nobody speaks French. I went to the village by foot and I bought a lot of books for kids about five or six years old, because I said, "Well this is terrible, this is tisch..." And then they started to like me because I wanted to learn German. After three weeks I spoke German, so I speak German in the film. It's true.
← 簡單來說,拉烏寇塔先生是六零年代的神。
Anna Karina & Jean-Luc Godard in Cléo de 5 à 7 (1962)