The TIME 100
首先呢,我蠻意外自己的偶像可以入選時人百大,雖然那是十足噱頭,但也代表了阿姐受到具有公信力的權力認定之青睞,好萊塢嘛!不是美國人 ( 猶太人 ) 就得靠人脈和權力建立搞頭。
接下來是我的大預言:( 上次預言很準,帥龐果然在全世界只有我力挺他的劣勢下成為史上最性感龐德。) 因為時人代表權力象徵,也有一定的指標性,而奧斯卡銅臭人是狗屁權力的最高殿堂,因此阿姐明年會女王報仇,十年不晚 ( 99 到 08 其實早了一年 ),拿下早該屬於她的皇冠。 ( 就像 Bess 一樣,迂腐傲慢的羅馬教廷也無法抵擋,羅馬教廷派出的殺手教士還是帥龐哩!)
So many actresses in their early prime seem in arrested adolescence. Their coquetry and little-girl voices suggest they're campaigning for prom queen, not great film roles. Cate Blanchett is gloriously different. She's a grownup, radiating an aristocracy that has no fancy airs, just a warm, alert intelligence. Beauty helps, and height (she's 5 ft. 8 1⁄2 in.), but what's crucial is that regal poise. Onscreen her magic can ennoble those in her orbit (when she's a virgin queen in Elizabeth or the Lady of Lórien in The Lord of the Rings). Sometimes it dashes them on the rocks of malice (as in Veronica Guerin and Notes on a Scandal). Either way, as an icon or a threat, the Blanchett woman is a prize worth fighting, scheming, dying for.
正當小婊子們忙著墮落黃金年代時,Cate 的醇美與優雅是如陽光普照般沒有明星架子的。或許 Cate 人正,體態又高挑 ( 還有絕佳的衣著品味 ),但如皇室的貴族氣息才是 Cate 不可取代的關鍵。
From the start, acclaim came to her as easily as tabloid headlines to other young stars. Within a year of her 1992 graduation from the Australian national drama school, she was the It girl of the Sydney stage, playing Shakespeare's Ophelia and Miranda, one of Caryl Churchill's Top Girls and the accusing student in David Mamet's Oleanna. Her first lead film role, in Oscar and Lucinda, glowed not with promise but with an early, ripe achievement. Her first movie outside Australia, Elizabeth, won her an Oscar nomination.
就像小婊子們整天不鬧緋聞會死一樣,Cate 在早期演藝生涯就受到大放光采。1992年畢業於澳洲國家戲劇學院,Cate 是Sydney stage 的明日之星。奧斯卡與露辛達,年輕而成熟 (28);伊莉莎白,美國權力象徵提名。
阿姐的發跡地:Sydney stage
Blanchett, 38 this month, has graced heist movies (Bandits) and angsty art films (Coffee and Cigarettes). But she's really an emissary from another, older world: the empyrean of classic movie glamour. Directors trying to capture the mature allure of old Hollywood think of her first: to play Katharine Hepburn in The Aviator, a Marlene Dietrich type in The Good German, the ideal match for a grizzled archaeologist in the next Indiana Jones epic.
Cate (38) 可以賦予強盜片陽剛以外的調性,演起賈木許的藝術片也是得心應手。但 Cate 擁有好萊塢消逝已久的古典魅力:神鬼玩家的凱薩琳赫本,好德國人的瑪琳黛德麗。 ( 想到索德柏就氣,有喬治加阿姐這樣的夢幻逸品還敢亂來,打屁股一百下!)
瑪琳‧黛德麗 Marlene Dietrich 1901~1992
可愛兇手葛要詮釋瑪琳黛德麗 (suspended)
The actress who can do anything is now, it seems, doing everything. In films she'll play Bob Dylan (kind of) in Todd Haynes' I'm Not There, Queen Elizabeth again (with Clive Owen as Sir Walter Raleigh) and the voice of Mrs. Fox in the cartoon The Fabulous Mr. Fox. She was a superb Hedda Gabler onstage and was named co-director of the Sydney Theatre Company with her husband Andrew Upton. Is there anything she can't do? Well, odds are that if some impossible acting challenge occurs to her, she'll try it.
無所不能的 Cate 現在可以說是予取予求,B 狄倫 ( Todd Haynes 是不倒翁 ) 的巴布狄倫 ( quoted from Heath Ledger "She SMELLS like Bob Dylan!!!" );黃金年代的 Bess;驚奇的福克斯先生的福克斯夫人。( 大導演 Marty 都是忠實影迷的天才 Wes Anderson 的最新動畫大作,配音員還有喬治,柯波拉家族已經算帥的 Jason Schwartzman,大導演 John Huston 之女Anjelica Huston ) Cate 同時也是舞台上的 Hedda Gabler;和全世界最幸運的男人在老家開劇院。還有什麼是 Cate 做不到的?如果有,Cate 也會勇敢挑戰。
Sydney Theatre Company
Years from now, when cinephiles are asked to name the movies' golden age, they'll say it was when Cate Blanchett was in them.
粉絲們!從現在開始,準備迎接 The Golden Age of Cate 的到來吧!