That's the closest I'll ever come to getting a knighthood, so thank you. My deepest thanks to the members of the Academy for whacking me with the handsomest bludgeon in town.
1. a short, heavy club with one end weighted,
thicker and heavier than the other.
–verb (used with object)
2. to strike or knock down with a bludgeon.
3. to force into something; coerce; bully: The boss finally bludgeoned him into accepting responsibility.
As a tale of death and expediency, "Shallow Grave" also invites comparison to Alfred Hitchcock, who dealt with a wayward corpse throughout "The Trouble With Harry" and once (on one of his television shows) let a heroine bludgeon her husband with a leg of lamb before feeding the murder weapon to the police.
But even at his most ghoulish, Hitchcock never forgot to invite his viewers' involvement in ways that Mr. Boyle pointedly ignores.
These may be jaded times, but we're not yet beyond requiring violence to be leavened by some element of humanity, no matter how macabre or dark. It's not enough to provide brilliantly artful back lighting when one character is busy carving up another with a handsaw.
0.6 馬術
0.7 腳步
0.8 敲打
to beat with a stick, thrash.
Valkyrie has taken a [drubbing] on the PR front, mostly because of people's [poisonous] initial reactions to Tom Cruise as Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg.
Latin grammar was drubbed into their [heads].
My deepest thanks to the members of the Academy for whacking me with the handsomest [bludgeon] in town.
and once let a heroine [bludgeon] her husband with a leg of lamb before feeding the murder weapon to the police.
I gave it all I could. I thought the war would have carried us. Well... if you just would've clobbered the son of a bitch, you know?
Um, a kid named Dallas. He runs a dinky jazz quintet. But he happens to be keeping company with JJ's screwball sister. It's a real goody, if, like me, you wanna clobber JJ.
to box with light blows
and Sands finds himself [verbally] sparring with a priest
Mr. Tautz has kindly consented to be your psychic sparring partner.
He was gonna come out of the Army and go right up to the top. Well, one afternoon, he and I were sparring in the gym. You know, kind of friendly-like. He must have been set pretty flat on his feet...
See if you can dig me up a sparring partner real fast.
Let's you and me have a little talk about the pugilistic profession. 拳擊手
This riveting 1947 drama, regarded by many as the greatest boxing movie of all time, centers on a former pugilist who looks back on his life in and out of the ring and realizes that self-respect is a more important prize than winning.
blow esp. with hand, cuff
Howard uses clout to back [Obama]
Thanks to the box-office [clout] of stars [Taylor] and [Burton], not to mention the [titilation] factor of hearing all those naughty words on the big screen, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf was a hit,
And if Castle Rock is now [backing] the film, I wonder what that means for both the production design of the musical [numbers], and the production’s clout when it comes to licensing songs.
Fresh off The Godfather (1972), producer Francis Ford Coppola had the clout to get his friend George Lucas's project made, but only for $750,000 on a 28-day shooting schedule.
to hit hard, plod
I've been slogging [away] for years and then people prick up their ears when they see you in a different language
a hunger for something more than a [weary] slog into middle age.
Jarhead is not only a far [tougher] slog, it's naturally more successful in presenting itself as a referendum on the second Gulf war.
I am afraid, is no more than it seems: a confusing slog [through] metaphysical murkiness.
Slogging as a cookbook editor at a major publishing house,
But above all, the heart of this slog [through] Whitetrashville, U.S.A., is true—at least if you see it as the story of another survivor who not only believed the [scuzzy] tale, but saw herself in it.
Revenge's protagonist Emily Thorne has slogged through two seasons, a fake identity, and a terrorist organization to inflict revenge [on] her enemies, the Graysons.
deliver vigorous blows, as in boxing
That fist of his [packs] a wallop.
Corny as it is, Van Sant's ending still [packs] a wallop.
His final scene provides a genuine dramatic [wallop] that resolves the movie's central conflict,
The fact that the film succeeds in delivering such a wallop without descending into [bitchy] tirade makes it an [enduring] testament to the powers of elegant satire, further proof that there is no more dangerous combination than wit and a typewriter.
The entire Montreal sequence certainly benefits [from] some incredibly moving writing and acting, but it's the cinematic poetry -- the combination of words and images and music -- that delivers an [emotional] wallop. It's the first time you realize how deeply the film gets under your skin.
a blow, as with the hand or fist.
or brilliantly designed capitals of industry in which little people are manipulated and [buffeted] about by the string pullers.
It's their turf. I couldn't hear them without been seen, and that would only biff their play.
He's hyper-reactive, flickering between [brash], [bashful], playful, and awkward
strike with a crushing or smashing blow
Even Durst’s critically [bashed] follow-up, the 2008 sports film The Longshots was released last Summer.
That boot-camp sequence feels like a reduced version of the head-[bashing] training episode in Kubrick’s "Full Metal Jacket.
her fussing, her weeping, her [rashes] on hands and head.
the main force or impact, as of an attack or blow
His arm took the brunt of the [blow]
The defendant bearing [most] of the brunt in the trial is Hanna.
Such an attitude allows Seagal to guiltlessly pummel [scores] of thugs, [dumbfounding] the audience with flawlessly executed violence and [unfathomable] stamina.
Fitzgerald continues to pummel the Blue Bear.
The three sisters' [show] was a sock.
Sagnier manages to sock [across] the idea that a relatively sweet young woman could fall for a guy three decades her senior.
a strong, sweeping blow, as with a cricket bat or golf club.
a provocative, if [meretricious], evening of theater that ends in a [paroxysm] of LaButality with a bear [swipe] to the spectator's head.
One imagines him in retirement, burning flowers and swatting flies.
a sharp blow with something flat
the album is a [gumbo] that adds juicy dub [thwacks], regal synthetic horns, tangled piano [vamps], [dashes] of spiritual jazz, and rolling Afro-beat, almost all of which is [cloaked] in light reverb.
poke, or thrust abruptly or sharply, as with the end or point of a stick
My brother, can I borrow your Hey, Soul Classics? My brother, you gotta go buy your own. Hook it off the jab. Can't you be an uncle, not a playmate?
as if with something pointed
I prodded him with my [elbow].
but prodding a [craven] audience with the possibility that
co-habit harmlessly rather than jostling one another to [disturbing], inventive or laugh-out-loud effect.
cf. jostle
to push gently with elbow, to get someone's attention.
He's [not] out to jostle our complacencies but [only] to give them a little [nudge]
Earnest, goofy video artist Christine (played by July) is trying to [nudge] a [foot] in the door at the local Center for Contemporary Art... into the hands of the [standoffish] director.
The kids are supposed to be typical young adolescents, but they're so rebellious, reckless and creative that we sense the screenplay [nudging] them.
Slightly [raw], but [pushed] towards thriller territory with just the right nudge.
I'll tell you, Cod. I've learned my lesson. If I ever do get another chance, I'm gonna keep my mouth shut. I'm gonna play the game. If I forget, you remind me. I'll give a gentle nudge in the ribs. Give me a swift kick in the ass. Yes, sir.
- Dec 31 Wed 2008 19:57
Bludgeon (續:敲打 單字大集合)