–verb (used with object)
1. to make very happy or proud: news to elate the hearer.
2. elated.
very happy or proud; jubilant; in high spirits: an elated winner of a contest.
"Natural Born Killers" is not so much about the killers, however, as about the feeding frenzy they inspire. During the period of their rampage, they are the most famous people in America, and the media goes nuts.
There are Mickey and Mallory fan clubs and T-shirts; tabloid TV is represented by a bloodthirsty journalist played by Robert Downey Jr., who is so thrilled by their fame he almost wants to embrace them.
The people Mickey and Mallory touch in the law industry are elated to be handling the case; it gives them a brush with celebrity, and a tantalizing whiff of the brimstone that fascinates some cops.
To my [immense] gratification, he fell into the trap. His son's success was a [great] gratification to him.
One of the consistent gratification[s] is the cast.
After a [blissful] summer lounging at the public pool
a beatific [smile].
a concern [echoed] by the [beatific] single-mom waitress (Aitana Sánchez-Gijón) at the airport café he frequents nightly.