

【印神】世界主宰 (印度教主神之一Vishnu 的化身)

1. (often lowercase) any large, overpowering, destructive force or object, as war, a giant battleship, or a powerful football team.
2. (often lowercase) anything requiring blind devotion or cruel sacrifice. 

3. Also called Jagannath. an idol of Krishna, at Puri in Orissa, India, annually drawn on an enormous cart under whose wheels devotees are said to have thrown themselves to be crushed. 

Making a shaped, involving film from Schlosser's intensively researched, highly popular expose of the junk food juggernaut in the United States repped a considerable challenge, and the author and Linklater have made eminently reasonable decisions about where to [train] their focus.

Disparaging. a non-Jewish person, gentile 
Let's talk to a goy doctor? That exits?
of or pertaining to any people not Jewish.
Christian, as distinguished from Jewish.
heathen or pagan
Jew, Gentile, black man, white: we all want to help one another.
We speak of olam ha-ba, the world to come. Not heaven. Not what the gentiles think of as afterlife.
Disparaging and Offensive
a person of Jewish religion or descent 
Why don't you try me, you fucking kike? I will! I will!

A doom-ridden pulp [cabalist] with a dark sense of purpose as well as humor, 
Drugs, cabalistic [signs], and attempts to [marshall] the people into action all seem to fail as they slowly sink into near violence.
I remember catching you in bed with a blonde, your back to her, your nose buried in a book on [esoterics]. Yes. While [dissipating] my youth in St. Tropez, I studied Kabbala.
Also, do we believe him as a Ka[bb]alistic scholar? 
Pesel told me -she sat shiva for him. (猶太教) (近親者所守的) 七日服喪期
As befits a movie by a onetime yeshiva [student], Storytelling is to be understood as a work of commentary. 正統猶太小學
But I bet I can now that you put a bomb in the synagogue. 猶太教堂
He's gonna go to the synagogue meet and greet, dressed like a homeless.
pic will be manna for Ceylan's loyal band of critical admirers, [feted] at serious [fests], but a B.O. [dud] in most territories. (聖經) 以色列人漂泊荒野時上帝所賜的食物
Exactly how does a press agent work? A press agent eats a columnist's dirt and is expected to call it manna.
No, a dybbuk soesn't eat. (猶太民間傳說) 惡靈,陰魂附體

"Batman & Robin" was awful, sure, but we now have the opposite problem, with superhero mythologies getting treated with Talmudic [reverence] and investment. 
30 years of comic-book irreverence generated their own special currency -- like Reeve's indelible "Superman" -- and that shouldn't be completely thrown out. Why so serious, indeed.
Potato chips called "X Brand" chips (kosher [processed] and endorsed by [non] profit) were distributed after the release and success of "Malcolm X".
He said you were bar mitzvah there when in March of 1888. (猶太教) 戒律

highly popular expose of the junk food [juggernaut] in the United States
Both films will have to compete with 20th Century Fox's 3D [juggernaut] "Avatar" as it enters its seventh [frame] with an overall domestic haul of $561.3 million as of Wednesday.
Meanwhile, the main body of Patton 's army... resupplied now and rolling like a juggernaut, slashes toward the Saar. Nazi resistance appears to crumble.
Since this year alone has produced Inception and Toy Story 3 – both [commercial] juggernauts despite containing [mindbending] time structures or complex emotional maturity not usually found in summer blockbusters,
Sometimes, Vedas. the entire body of Hindu sacred writings, chief among which are four books, the Rig-Veda, the Sama-Veda, the Atharva-Veda, and the Yajur-Veda. 吠陀
Lynch’s frequently updated Twitter stream flows like a stilted [algorithm] for transcendental meditation mantras (”Don’t look at the big pile.”) 真言, (印度教、大乘佛教中的) 祈禱文
Chiwetel Ejiofer portrays Mike Terry whose mantra is that "There is always an escape."
but instead he gets Perry's [mantras]: "You don't need your thumb and your thumb doesn't need you." [Demonstrably] not true.

Hebrew-school ace Aaron goes impulse shopping at first a church and then, more [pivotally], an [ashram] after a chance encounter with Hare Krishna sylph Chali (印度教) 聚會所【美】嬉皮士群居之會所
while Aaron's absurdly petulant reaction to his pensive little sister's spelling [tutorials] leaves his bhakti in serious [doubt]. (印度教) 對神的虔信

Miss G, tell Fiamma about how you rode on elephants with rajas! (印度等的) 王公,首領

I will organize|and lead a new mosque in New York: Muslim Mosque, Incorporated. 清真寺,回教寺院
Do you where I can find him? At the mosque. Take the stairs and turn left.
I beg you, I will do whatever is your will. I will purchase ten kilos of the finest seed, and find an American mosque, and I will feed them to all the birds outside.
Is it a communist conspiracy? Or maybe it's ayatollahs in the street with blowguns. 伊朗回教什葉派的宗教領袖
Among the shareholders in Manchurian Global, were they to ever publish a list, which they won't, you would find former presidents, deposed kings, trust fund terrorists, fallen Communist dictators, ayatollahs, African warlords and retired prime ministers.

Let's chant a sutra. 佛經 (婆羅門教《吠陀》經中的) 箴言,箴言集

Dap (Laurence Fishburne) is a politically conscious brother who leads anti-[apartheid] demonstrations and [eschews] the social climbing of the Greek system. 
Sociology. the fundamental character or spirit of a culture; the underlying sentiment that informs the beliefs, customs, or practices of a group or society; dominant assumptions of a people or period 
In the [Greek] ethos the individual was highly valued.
The maturation of his [maverick] "home movie" ethos, John Cassavetes's Faces (1968) incisively explores the disintegration of an upper middle-class marriage. 

Usually Disparaging. (in Latin America or Spain) a foreigner, esp. one of U.S. or British descent.
A brash gringo (indie fave Steve Buscemi) struts into a Mexican dive, 
So you built our patio while you were on the county? Out in the fresh air? Nice gringo lady making you pies?
of the East End district of London
Wealthy wastrel James Fox hires insouciant [cockney] Dirk Bogarde as a valet.
Disparaging and Offensive. 
a native of Southeast Asia or the South Pacific, esp. when a member of an enemy military force
That's why you tie his gook hands, take down his gook pants, and grab his gook balls.
Chiefly British. Disparaging and Offensive. any nonwhite, esp. a dark-skinned native of the Middle East or Southeast Asia To boot a load car radios to drop on some wog down there. The wog's at the back laying a turd.
Shut your mouth, dirty wogs.
Become like those white assholes that call us "wog"? Your family, rich and powerful back home, has been let down by you. Go on, fuck off.
I mean, for three weeks, right, this fucking wog... Sorry, mate, sorry. Didn't mean nothing by it. You know, just slip of the tongue, like.
You hit me! Yeah, and I'm about to do it again, too. Why, you dirty wop!【美】【俚】【貶】義大利移民,義大利佬

We'd send over a 75mm shell, the krauts would return an 88. Their tanks are diesels. Even when we managed to hit one they kept on running. Our tanks... the men call them "Purple Heart boxes." 酸泡菜【俚】【貶】德國佬 (尤指德國兵)
The krauts had the hill, and we were ordered to take it.
It was here. The battlefield was here. The Carthaginians defending the city were attacked by three Roman legions. They were brave, but they couldn't hold. They were massacred. 迦太基人
It has to do with a certain guy? I know, honey. I know. We're all upset that Ginny's marrying a bohunk.【美】【俚】東歐人,東歐低層勞工


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