
用肘輕推 (以引起注意)


–verb (used with object) 
1. to push slightly or gently
with the elbow, to get someone's attention, prod (刺,戳,桶) someone into action, etc. 

Take the musical outrage in the opening credits—a howl of thrash metal, interrupting the operatic arias that Ann and George have been listening to in the car. The fact is that the George of 2008 would have a bundle of thrash on his iPod, all shuffled up with his Verdi. 

The howl is now mainstream, and every horror movie comes equipped with a built-in snigger, as if it had stolen Haneke’s warning and made it part of the scenery: when the makers of "Saw" and "Hostel" set to work on their sequels,

they are not merely cashing in on a commercial hit but prodding a craven audience with the possibility that the slaughters depicted onscreen may never reach their natural, cathartic end.

fudge & mudge 
"I can't shuffle [cards] like I used to," he says.
there is a [scuffle] and Tom kills Philippe and disposes of his body 
to scrape with one's foot or feet
specifically a shot of bloodied Sands, rolling over on a grey, [scuffed] surface
to push gently with elbow, to get someone's attention. 
He's [not] out to jostle our complacencies but [only] to give them a little [nudge] 
Earnest, goofy video artist Christine (played by July) is trying to [nudge] a [foot] in the door at the local Center for Contemporary Art... into the hands of the [standoffish] director.
The kids are supposed to be typical young adolescents, but they're so rebellious, reckless and creative that we sense the screenplay [nudging] them.

–verb (used without object) 
2. to give a nudge. 

3. a slight or gentle push or jog (輕推), esp. with the elbow. 

1. elbow, poke, jog.

But Rohmer, although he's made movies touched with greatness such as Claire's Knee and the uncharacteristically free-form Le Rayon Vert, is best understood for the modesty of his designs

He's [not] out to jostle our complacencies 
[only] to give them a little nudge

He's a moralist of a particularly comfy and bourgeois sort -- he massages the notions his art-house patrons already have about people and life and the sexes. There are no shocks of recognition in Rohmer's movies, just little frissons of feeling.


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