1. a very fine thread or threadlike structure; a fiber or fibril (細纖維): filaments of gold.
2. a single fibril of natural or synthetic textile fiber, of indefinite length, sometimes several miles long.
3. a long slender cell or series of attached cells, as in some algae (alga, 幾,海藻) and fungi. (fungus, 改,菌類)
4. Botany. the stalklike (莖) portion of a stamen (雄蕊), supporting the anther. (花藥)
5. Ornithology (鳥類學). the barb of a down feather.
6. (in a light bulb or other incandescent 白熱的 lamp) the threadlike conductor, often of tungsten (鎢), in the bulb that is heated to incandescence by the passage of current.
7. Electronics. the heating element (sometimes also acting as a cathode) of a vacuum tube, resembling the filament in an incandescent bulb.
8. Astronomy. a solar (太陽的) prominence, as viewed within the sun's limb.
As both Whiplash and Blacklash, Scarlotti used a necro-lash which could be electrically charged by his gauntlets, released from its handle to deliver a concussion charge, or he could turn up the electric charge to its maximum which caused anything it hit, including Iron Man’s armor, to become brittle.
He also used anti-gravity bolas, heavy gravity bolas, and various other devices also of his own design. When Mark returned to his original alias of Whiplash, he also upgraded his armaments with a kinetic whip, a cat-o-nine-tails, and a whip made of super [conductive] filament in order to channel lightning as an offensive weapon."
(中世紀武士用的) 金屬護手,臂鎧
(捕牛時用以絆倒牛隻的) 流星錘
and the [lye] or [bleach] is always to the left of whatever sink Trevor uses.
cathode, anode