1. bestowing bliss, blessings, happiness, or the like: beatific peace.
2. blissful; saintly: a beatific smile.
Anderson understandably stresses Bale's unnerving transformation—the emaciated actor is often displayed shirtless and in profile. With his sunken bug eyes, concave cheeks, and painfully apparent ribcage and spinal column, he's certainly a [specimen] of considerable zoological interest.
"If you were any thinner you wouldn't exist," drowsy hooker Jennifer Jason Leigh mumbles after literally jumping his bones—a concern [echoed] by the beatific single-mom waitress (Aitana Sánchez-Gijón) at the airport café he frequents nightly.
Shuttling between madonna and whore, Trevor, who claims not to have slept in a year, increasingly suffers memory gaps and anxiety attacks. He compulsively washes his hands with bleach, plays an ongoing game of Hangman on a Post-it that mysteriously materializes on his fridge, and becomes so distracted at his machine-shop job that he causes a grisly limb-severing accident.
spinal column
tending to float in a fluid
cheering or invigorating
These three are [slotted] consecutively in the Lido second half to ensure that the buzz level remains [buoyant].
to enliven, invigorate, stimulate
Richard (John Hawkes) is a recent divorcé who is alternately [exhilarated] and [terrified] with his life and the world around him. While he believes great things are in store for him,
he's also become so [despondent] about his wife's departure that he attempts to set his hand on fire.
The harsh realities of life on the street [merge] with the universal themes of youthful [pain] and [exhilaration] in director Dito Montiel's telling tale of one boy's struggle to escape the [grim] fate that [awaits] his aimless, trouble-[minded] peers.
make very happy or proud
The people Mickey and Mallory touch in the law industry are elate[d] to be handling the case
Whether you go to the movies to be thrilled, terrified, [elated], inspired, or simply entertained, Slumdog Millionaire does not disappoint.
Still, he is so elate[d] that he abandons his plans, lies to his fiancee, and after leaving his luggage with his pal Lucien, sets off to find her.
Written and cut with an eye more toward jokes than on developing much emotional depth, writer-director Nicole Holofcener's first feature is boosted by [uniformly] droll lead performances as well as by impressively confident filmmaking [savvy].
Don't take fucking much elation.
Psychology. a feeling of happiness, confidence, or well-being sometimes exaggerated in pathological states as mania
The teenagers [swooned] at the sight of the singing star.
The characters' sole common[ality] is Hong Kong's urban landscape, which [swoons] with neon-lit melancholy
Soon the clerk is wowing the Parisians with his ability to make the women [swoon], and for his talent at attracting money.
an irresistible burst of big-screen optimism that will have the critics [swooning] and the cynics smiling.
a person whose life is devoted to the pursuit of pleasure and self-gratification
characterized by bitter or scornful derision, mocking, cynical, sneering
feeling or showing profound hopelessness, dejection, discouragement, or gloom
Randy seems [de]spondent, and is reluctant to speak to Jake at all, but the older con gives him a book to read and is generous with advice.
A serious looking face, a little despondent, sad even... you could say sad, a hint of sadness. But it was only a photo, so, sad at that moment.
When Lilya learns that her mother has no intention of bringing her to the United States, she becomes despondent and begins sleeping with men for money.
laughable, ludicrous
trimming nearly half an hour, dropping a [risible] dream sequence, and cutting short the original, fabulously [desultory] ending.
[Swathes] of endless driving footage are gone, along with [risible] scenes like Bud (Gallo) stopping to change his sweater,
amusing in an odd way, whimsically humorous, waggish
the droll [antics] of a kitten
a droll [imitation]
And each of these contributes to the magic of the film, [building] a harmonious whole. A particularly droll, strange, and intellectual work about wealthy people.
even as it builds a disturbing level of intimacy between its excellent leads, Nick Stahl and Vera Farmiga.
give pleasure to (a person or persons) by satisfying desires or humoring inclinations or feelings
To my [immense] gratification, he fell into the trap. His son's success was a [great] gratification to him.
One of the consistent gratification[s] is the cast.
After a [blissful] summer lounging at the public pool
And so there is a special kind of movie pleasure in watching them [pigheadedly] postpone their bliss,
bestowing bliss, blessings, happiness, or the like
a beatific [smile]
a concern [echoed] by the [beatific] single-mom waitress (Aitana Sánchez-Gijón) at the airport café he frequents nightly.
Rather than cast Bettie as a sex martyr of the repressive '50s, Harron and Turner contemplate her born-again [beatitude].