a. (形容詞 adjective)
1. 不高興的,繃著臉的;慍怒的
Susan was sullen in the morning because she hadn't slept well.
2. 乖戾的
3. (天氣)陰沈的
This sullen [weather] disagrees with me.
4. (聲音,顏色等)沈悶的
The blue eyes were reddened and sullen with weeping.
5. (水流)停滯的
A sullen [stream] winds its way among the trees.
"The Best of Youth" takes its chance—almost unheard of, these days—
to [bloom] and [unfurl] like a [novel],
They unfurled the [flag] and let it [flutter] in the wind.
reaching for the kinds of repeated gesture, of memories sown and reaped among friends, that most directors are forced to shed along the way. Moreover, for anybody who still believes that every large, onscreen Italian family is ipso facto a branch of the Corleones, here is the unglamorous cure. Matteo does indeed bump into the Mafia, when he is posted to Palermo, but,
as a sullen bunch of locals,
including a child, stand and gaze at a corpse in a slaughterhouse, he shouts, “It’s not a movie!” For a few enfolding hours, you believe him.