


1. one of a group of ancient Roman officials charged with observing and interpreting omens for guidance in public affairs. 
2. soothsayer; prophet.  

–verb (used with object) 
3. to divine or predict, as from omens; prognosticate. (預知)
4. to serve as an omen or promise of; foreshadow; betoken: Mounting sales augur a [profitable year].  

–verb (used without object)
5. to conjecture from signs or omens; predict. 
6. to be a sign; bode (預示): The movement of troops augurs [ill] for the peace of the area.  


auger, augur (nn.) 
These homophones are likely to be confused only in spelling: 

an auger is a tool for boring holes, (鑽孔)

and an augur is a person who predicts events by reading omens (or it may be the omen itself). The verb augur therefore means "to foretell or to give promise of."

Although the story is steeped [in] sexuality, commercials director Marcel Langenegger's feature debut doesn't feel particularly steamy, deriving what little holding power it can generate from producer-star Hugh Jackman's turn as a seductive con man opposite Ewan McGregor's buttoned-up, bespectacled accountant. On the coolness scale, Wolverine vs. Obi-wan Kenobi it isn't, auguring a relatively quick theatrical exit to make way for summer blockbusters.

The coincidence[s] here, 

you could argue, turn a little too cute, with Matteo arriving at his office to see Giulia’s mug shot on the wall; or, equally, as she herself finds that Carlo Tommasi (Fabrizio Gifuni), a banker who married the younger 

Carati daughter,
is slated to be one of her next victims. 

But these [niceties] dissolve over time, and the skill with which Giordana plays political mania against what you might call respectable halfheartedness, 

the [tacit] desire to live well 
against the urge to [ignite] the lives of others

suggests that he has been not only steeping [himself] in the Old Masters of Italian cinema (he has already made a documentary about Pasolini) but reading Stendhal on the side.

Turtles like to bask in the [sun].
Bright [sunshine] permeated the room. 
[Cynicism] permeated his report.  
His speeches are permeated [by] [with] [pessimism]. 
There was a smell of coffee pervadin[g t]he [atmosphere].
This error pervade[s a]ll present-day [systems].
Goats wallowed in the [dust].  
A [gunboat] wallowed toward [port].  
Waves of black [smoke] wallowed into the room. 
an [elephant] wallow

Romances usually picture [crabbed] old Scotsmen, 
[taciturn] of speech and [dour] of outlook.
cavil (unnecessarily) 
prevaricate (mislead)
equivocate (ambiguous to mislead)

Helmer Daniele Luchetti keeps the mood light and winning in "My Brother Is an Only Child," a micro-tale of Italy's troubled years in the late '60s and '70s, 

viewed through the prism of a politically divided family. 

Scripted by "The Best of Youth" duo who brought the post-WWII years into stark and moving light, pic offers a warm humor that illuminates 

the defiant vista of [hope] even when the proceedings turn tragic.

Strong reviews and cast of hot actors ensured a No. 1 spot in the film's first frame last weekend, 

and upcoming Cannes [slot] augurs at least Euro arthouse interest.

(從兩排樹木或房屋等中間看出去的) 狹長的景色;遠景
狹長孔;狹縫;(自動販賣機等的) 投幣口
【美】【口】把...納入序列(或名單) 中;安排

see obituary prism

sporadic irregular, occasional
inadvertent unintentional, heedless
oblique neither perpendicular nor parallel →indirect 
ulterior concealed, future



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