


1. rock in small particles or other material worn or broken away from a mass, as by the action of water or glacial ice. 
2. any disintegrated material; debris

At one point, 
the two brothers meet in the muddy
detritus of 1966

as the Arno breaks its banks in Florence, yet the focus of the scene is not the enormity of the disaster but the front page of an illuminated manuscript that Nicola finds floating in a library vault. Even when he and his girlfriend, Giulia (Sonia Bergamasco), take refuge during student riots in Turin, 

the camera pauses [to] inspect the tranquil courtyard into 
they have breathlessly [fled].

By the end, much has changed and no one is left [unscathed]. 
detriment ***
falling off from an [original] condition 
Overeating is a detriment to [health]. 
So [at] what point do the efforts of a costumed [vigilante] [cease to] have an impact on the society he vows to protect - 
and when does his mere presence present a [detriment] to them when it's all said and done?
succinct ***  
[originally] composed and is expressed in as few words as possible


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