

–verb (used with object) 
1. to bring to a state of 
2. to complete (an arrangement, agreement, or the like) by a 
the signing of a contract

The company consummated its [deal] 
to buy a smaller firm.  

to complete (the union of a marriage
the first 
marital sexual intercourse.  

4. complete or perfect; supremely skilled; superb: a consummate [master] of the violin. 
5. being of the 
or most extreme degree: a work of consummate [skill]; an act of consummate [savagery].  

1. complete, perfect, finish, accomplish, achieve.

4. imperfect, unfinished.


consummate (v., adj.) 
The adjective has two pronunciations: kuhn-SUH-mit or KAHN-suh-mit; 
the verb is pronounced KAHN-suh-MAIT

Each has two Standard meanings: the adjective means either "perfect
the best or worst 
there is, 
complete," as in The room was decorated in consummate [ugliness]

or "superbly accomplished or skilled," as in She is a consummate public speaker. 

The verb has a general meaning of "to finish, complete, or accomplish," as in 

With all the signatures on the document, 
we could finally report the [negotiations] consummat[ed] in a treaty

and "to carry out the full meaning of a marriage by having the first postceremony sexual intercourse," as in 

[That night] 
at the beachhouse 
they consummated their [marriage].

Two men are driving a refuse truck to a dump site and stop for a hamburger. Krassky (Joe Dallesandro), one of the two, [strikes] an acquaintance with Johnny (Jane Birkin), the girl who works in the restaurant. They swiftly become lovers. However, Krassky is basically a homosexual, 

and must consummate their [lovemaking] in a slightly unusual way.

His fellow truck-driver, Padovan (Hugues Quester), is also his lover. Padovan is intensely jealous, and attempts to kill Johnny. 

When Krassky fails to defend her,
Johnny berates him

and he and Padovan resume their journey together.

(verbally) incontinent
constipation (emotionally) constipated
Bureaucr[atic] [red tape] can constipate the operations of any government agency. 
confabulation (confabulate, informally)
capitulate (and agree)
his studio had capitulated [to] Fox "for the benefit of the industry."
(Brad Pitt) cavalcade
a salvo (of cheering) 


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