1. of or pertaining to tailors or their trade: sartorial workmanship.
2. of or pertaining to clothing or style or manner of dress: sartorial splendor.
3. Anatomy. pertaining to the sartorius.【解】縫匠肌
sartorial (adj.), sartorially (adv.)
English added the adjectival (胎) suffix -ial to the Latin sartor, meaning "tailor" and, perhaps humorously, "patcher."
Some purists continue to object to sartorial as a cliché and as overconsciously elegant, but it seems to be replaceable only by longish phrases, and it is therefore useful.
Once it referred only to tailoring, but today it refers to any aspect of clothing or, by extension, to a person’s overall appearance. The adverb sartorially has similarly generalized in meaning.
Needless to say, it is not a love connection. It's not that Mark Darcy is so awful; it's just that he's a sartorially challenged snob who loftily dismisses Bridget's attempt to make conversation. She much prefers mooning over Daniel Cleaver (Grant), her cad of a boss who has finally begun to take notice of her Ally McBeal-length skirts.
mend, as torn clothing, with rows of stitches, sometimes by crossing and interweaving rows to span a gap
Well, now, we got one of the best tracks in this part of the country, right out here by the state line. I'll be darned.
Such is the [dilatory] effect of the passing years, whereby history makes masterpieces of tat and one generation's triumph a footnote to the next.
Just as a [prim], [flaxen]-haired schoolgirl is seemingly swallowed up, 亞麻
As Another Earth’s relationship between the gullible sad sack and the flaxen-[haired] fraud [overtakes] its interplanetary premise as the driving force of the film, it becomes clear that Marling’s primary—if potentially unconscious—subject is the politics and mechanics of beauty as a tool of manipulation.
splendid furniture, silverware, paintings, family portraits, [napery] and books.【紡】家庭用亞麻布巾 (尤指桌布, 餐巾等)
but some of the dried up blood got caught in the lint trap, so... 絨布
towing a winged-monkey [plush] toy behind him. 長毛絨
and build a house lined in , with soft satin for you to rest in between our times of dancing. 緞
The girl I call my own, would wear satin and laces, and smell like cologne
a Beretta inthe buttonhole, and a cute little minigun in the gusset. 三角形襯料
Well, sometimes I wish I hadn't learned to crochet. 鉤針編織 (品)
Would he make the grim connection when my attorney starts screaming about bats and huge manta rays coming down on the cars? 粗布披巾,粗綿織品
Take a look around the house. Are there a lot of rugs, pieces of art, stereo equipment? (鋪於室內部分地面上的) 小地毯,毛皮地毯【主英】(圍膝蓋的) 小毯
She's got junk in her trunk! It looks like a duffel bag full of bricks. 粗呢
Do you have a skein of wool in this colour, madam? I think that's it.
which despite some imaginative packaging too often proves a drag in more than the [sartorial] sense.
To supervise this task, he stands in front of a [swastika], [attired] in full Nazi fetishwear
Linda's friends see Amy's masculine [attire] and attitude as a form of self-loathing against being a woman,
His social life is filled with delightful, beautifully [attired] "trade fair girls" who [overflow] a seemingly endless round of parties,
a fashion or mode of dress, of a distinctive, uniform kind
in the garb of a [monk]
Over the credits, Josh, a man [garbed] in black, is seen hitch-hiking back to his Long Island home.
I therefore assumed the [garb] and [character] of a colonial [bishop] spending his vacation making a collection ofbrass rubbings from country churches.
a distinctive uniform, badge, or device formerly provided by someone of rank or title for his retainers, as in time of war
uniform worn by servants
Buy a brown livery and report to me at the Duke's Theatre. (紗、線等的) 一束,一絞
decked out in a [snazzy] tweed blazer and a red silk [ascot]
So where did you find that beard? It's pretty snazzy.
Origin: 1875–80, perhaps v. use of dial. spiff well-dressed
Oh, he's topping. He is spiffing!
Title taken from the Irish toast: "May you have [food] and [raiment], a soft pillow for your head; may you be 40 years in heaven, before the devil knows you're dead."【詩】衣飾,衣裳
civilian clothes, in contrast with military or other uniforms, or as worn by a person who usually wears a uniform
You may wear mufti on Sundays after [chapel] and before high tea. And you are allowed five personal objects on display. 穆夫提 (伊斯蘭教領袖)