
(事件、行動等的) 發生地;集合地


1. Law.
a. the place of a crime or cause of action.
b. the county or place where the jury is gathered and the cause tried.
c. the designation, in the pleading, of the jurisdiction where a trial will be held.
d. the statement naming the place and person before whom an affidavit /day/ (宣誓書) was sworn. see davit (吊艇柱)

2. the scene or locale (事情發生的現場,場所) of any action or event.
3. the position taken by a person engaged in argument or debate; ground.


venue (n.)

was formerly used only in legal senses, such as

"the place where a crime was committed or where a legal action begins,"
"the place where a jury is formed and a trial held."

Today the word has generalized to mean "the place where an event or action of any kind takes place," as in

the several venues for the [events] of these [Olympic games].

All these senses are now Standard.

"We’re pretty sure the best parties during the festival will be down here starting in 2010," said Noah Cowan, a longtime fest programmer who is now artistic director of the Bell Lightbox. "When we first decided to do this about seven or eight years ago,

we had some [nervousness] about

the hotel stock in parts of the city. But now with Ritz-Carlton coming in (with a 53-story downtown tower) and other boutique hotels and renovations to several others, we have the confidence that we will be ready."On a hardhat tour of the Lightbox for journalists during the fest, Cowan showed off its features. There will be more than 100 "screening opportunities,"

from small plasma [panels] to sides of the building

which can show films outward toward the street. Gallery spaces can tie in to film series,

and each venue is [connected] to [the others] via a host of technologies.

heist rifle pillage
felony felon
larceny kleptomania purloin filch (small value)
mayhem sabotage


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