Repulsion (1965):丹妮芙 / 柏林銀熊
Cul-de-Sac (1966):丹妮姊 / 柏林金熊


By Roger Ebert / December 28, 1967 full review

This much sounds like a standard horror-film outline, especially since Stander looks amazingly like Frankenstein. But Polanski ignores the horror to concentrate instead on macabre humor.

Polanski has fun stealing scenes. He lifts the procession of visitors to the crypt from "La Dolce Vita," the woman and bird outlined in a sunny doorway from "Through a Glass Darkly" and a shaving scene from W. C. Fields' "The Barbershop." And he plays the grave-digging scene with overtones of "Hamlet."

New York Times Review full review

After two clean hits—"Knife in the Water" and "Repulsion" — Roman Polanski is entitled to one wild swing.

It compares as black comedy to John Huston's "Beat the Devil," so it's something you'll probably want to see.

And he has one of his funniest tangles, in a W. C. Fieldsian way, with a vicious child.

As the wife with a yen for a big, blond neighbor, Françoise Dorleac, the sister of Catherine Deneuve, the girl who went mad in 'Repulsion," is not without fascination either. She is understandably distracting to her husband and the thug. And she is ultimately distracting to the viewer, but she's so pretty it can be endured.

第三到第七張截圖都是小惡魔 (vicious child) 的大顯神威,為本片神經質添增幾許歡笑氣息。

男主角,丹妮姊的懦弱老公 Donald Pleasence,居然就是龐德第五集雷霆谷的壞人,也就是王牌大間諜 Dr. Evil 的原型!但手裡抱的是貓,而不是迷你米 (第二集才出現)。

Donald Pleasence 請見第二,三,六張截圖,第七張是被小惡魔踢膝蓋的畫面。

 You Only Live Twice (1967)

Sean Connery - James Bond
Donald Pleasence - Ernst Stavros Blofeld 

Cigarette in your Bed



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