1. Anatomy, Physiology. the liquid part of blood or lymph (淋巴,血清), as distinguished from the suspended elements.
2. Cell Biology. cytoplasm. (細胞質) cf. tyro
3. whey. (乳漿)
4. a green, faintly translucent chalcedony. /k/【礦】玉髓
5. Physics. a highly ionized (使離子化) gas containing an approximately equal number of positive ions and electrons.
see sheath
"We’re pretty sure the best parties during the festival will be down here starting in 2010," said Noah Cowan, a longtime fest programmer who is now artistic director of the Bell Lightbox. "When we first decided to do this about seven or eight years ago,
we had some [nervousness] about
the hotel stock in parts of the city. But now with Ritz-Carlton coming in (with a 53-story downtown tower) and other boutique hotels and renovations to several others, we have the confidence that we will be ready."On a hardhat tour of the Lightbox for journalists during the fest, Cowan showed off its features. There will be more than 100 "screening opportunities,"
from small plasma [panels] to sides of the building,
which can show films outward toward the street. Gallery spaces can tie in to film series,
and each venue is [connected] to [the others] via a host of technologies.
stubby sappy serum