Biennale Cinema  64th Venice International Film Festival

The 64th Venice International Film Festival, organised by the Venice Biennale, takes place on the Venice Lido from 29th August to 8th September 2007. 

International Juries of the 64th Venice Film Festival

Zhang Yimou (China, director), chairman
Catherine Breillat (France, director) 以後要常看布蕾亞的電影
Jane Campion (New Zealand, director)
Emanuele Crialese (Italy, director)
Alejandro González Iñárritu
(Mexico, director)
Ferzan Ozpetek (Turkey/Italy, director)
Paul Verhoeven (Netherlands, director) 好萊塢即將臣服於妳

Venezia 64 - In Competition  

An international competition of 35mm and digital format feature films, screened as world premieres and running for the Golden Lion

Joe WRIGHT Atonement - UK / USA, 123’tt0783233
Keira Knightley, James McAvoy, Vanessa Redgrave, Romola Garai, Brenda Blethyn 
64th Venice Film Festival opening film 

聽說排骨精這片表現穩提名,好吧!倒是 James McAvoy 先後和珍奧斯汀女主角過戲,令人玩味。

British actress Vanessa Redgrave is...

Wes ANDERSON The Darjeeling Limited - USA, 91’tt0838221
Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody, Anjelica Huston, Jason Schwartzman, Bill Murray

又帥人緣又好到不行的 Wes 這回開起不知道是幹麻的大吉嶺股份有限公司,期待度和阿姐

Wes Anderson

Kenneth BRANAGH Sleuth - UK / USA, 86’tt0857265
Michael Caine, Jude Law

有幸在 Cinemax 看過 1972 年的原版偵探,小阿飛挑戰老阿飛當年的角色,期待度僅次大吉嶺股份有限公司和狄倫六君子!


Youssef CHAHINE Heya fawda (Chaos) - Egypt, 122’
Khaled Saleh, Mena Shalaby, Hala Sedky, Youssef El Cherif 

Brian DE PALMA Redacted - USA, 90’tt0937237
Kel O'Neill, Daniel Stewart Sherman 


Andrew DOMINIK The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford - USA, 155’tt0443680
Brad Pitt, Casey Affleck, Sam Shepard, & Zooey Deschanel, Mary-Louise Parker, Sam Rockwell

日舞影展小公主,美國天使小希斯萊傑老婆,最近比較想紅 ( 例如演朗霍華 ) 的恰克貝瑞,如此豪華的陣容居然要我自己加,片商宣傳很有問題!

Actress Archives 

Paolo FRANCHI Nessuna qualità agli eroi - Italy / Switzerland / France, 102’
Elio Germano, Bruno Todeschini, Irène Jacob 

久違的紅色妹 (47)。

Tony GILROY Michael Clayton - USA, 119’tt0465538
George Clooney, Tilda Swinton, Sydney Pollack



Peter GREENAWAY Nightwatching - UK / Poland / Canada / Netherlands, 134’tt0446750
Martin Freeman, Emily Holmes, Eva Birthistle, Jodhi May

超級怪導 Peter Greenaway 這回找上 Zooey 奇怪前男友之一 Martin Freeman,有夠詭異!


Jose Luis GUERIN En la ciudad de Sylvia - Spain, 90’
Pilar Lopez De Ayala, Xavier Lafitte

Paul HAGGIS In the Valley of Elah - USA, 120’tt0478134
Tommy Lee Jones, Charlize Theron, Susan Sarandon
我沒看過百萬寶貝,但 C(T)rash 讓我覺得 Paul Haggis 是個二流的奧斯卡寶寶。

Todd HAYNES I'm not There - USA, 135’tt0368794
Richard Gere, Cate Blanchett, Heath Ledger, Julianne Moore, Christian Bale, Charlotte Gainsbourg 


I'm Not There Teaser
Cate the Great

JIANG Wen Taiyang zhaochang shengqi (The Sun Also Rises) - China / Hong Kong, China, 116’
Jiang Wen, Joan Chen, Zhou Yun, Jaycee Chan, Anthony Wong

LEE Kang Sheng (LI Kangsheng) Bangbang wo aishen (Help Me Eros) - Taiwan, 107’ tt1076251
Lee Kang Sheng, Yin Shin 


Abdellatif KECHICHE La Graine et le mulet - France, 151’
Habib Boufares, Marzouk Bouraouïa, Faridah Benkhetache, Sabrina Ouazani

Ang LEE (LI An) Se, jie (Lust, Caution) - USA / China / Taiwan, China, 156’tt0808357
Tony Leung Chiu Wai, Joan Chen, Tang Wei



Ken LOACH It's a Free World… - UK / Italy / Germany / Spain, 96’tt0807054
Juliet Ellis, Leslaw Zurek, Kierston Wareing


Vincenzo MARRA L'ora di punta - Italy, 96’
Fanny Ardant, Michele Lastella, Giulia Bevilacqua 

MIIKE Takashi Sukiyaki Western Django - Japan, 121’tt0906665
Quentin Tarantino, Hideaki Ito, Kaori Momoi, Yoshino Rimura 

QT 真的很不務正業,現在給我跑去演日本片。

Back when Uma was 24

Nikita MIKHALKOV 12 - Russian Federation, 153’
Nikita Mikhalkov, Sergey Makovezkij, Mikhail Yefremov, Sergei Garmash

Andrea PORPORATI Il dolce e l'amaro - Italy, 98’
Fabrizio Gifuni, Luigi Lo Cascio, Donatella Finocchiaro

Eric ROHMER Les Amours d'Astrée et de Céladon - France / Italy / Spain, 109’tt0823240
Stéphanie Crayencour, Andy Gillet, Cécile Cassel 

耶思!侯麥超好看的綠光就是威尼斯拿金獅的,向世人證明你寶刀 (87) 未老吧!

let's talk about Rohmer 

Venezia 64 - Out of Competition

Works by directors already established in past editions of the Festival, and films deemed appropriate for a midnight screening 


Out of Competition – Venezia Maestri

Woody ALLEN Cassandra's Dream - UK / USA, 108’tt0795493
Colin Farrell, Sally Hawkins, Ewan McGregor, Tom Wilkinson 


La Fille coupée en deux - France, 115’tt0901485
Ludivine Saignier, Benoît Magimel, Mathilda May, Marie Bunel


Amos GITAI Disengagement - Germany / Italy / Israel / France tt0871512
Juliette Binoche, Jeanne Moreau, Hans Zilschler

摩露女王 (79) 現在唱 Le Tourbillon 都要找 Vanessa 幫腔了,希望她是真的身體健康!

Juliette Binoche +

Out of Competition – Venezia Notte – Opening and closing films

Sergio LEONE Per un pugno di dollari (1964) - restored version - Italy / Spain / Germany, 100’
Clint Eastwood, Gian Maria Volontè, Marianne Koch 

1964 荒野大鏢客 A Fistful of Dollars 
1965 黃昏雙鏢客 For a Few Dollars More 
1966 黃昏三鏢客 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 

Out of Competition – Venezia Notte

Ridley SCOTT Blade Runner: The Final Cut (2007) - USA, 118'
Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young 


Shari SPRINGER BERMAN, Robert PULCINI The Nanny Diaries - USA, 107’tt0489237
Scarlett Johansson, Laura Linney, Paul Giamatti, Chris Evans 


Out of Competition Special Event

Wes ANDERSON Hotel Chevalier - USA, 12’
Jason Schwartzman, Natalie Portman   

Wes 的短片耶!好嗨喔!


Out of Competition – Bernardo Bertolucci: 75th Anniversary Golden Lion

Bernardo BERTOLUCCI La via del petrolio (1967) - restored version - Italy, 135’

Bernardo BERTOLUCCI Strategia del ragno (1970) - restored version  - Italy, 99’
Giulio Brogi, Alida Valli, Tino Scotti The Next Garbo: Alida Valli

貝托魯奇實至名歸,也感謝你拍了 The Dreamers 這麼好看的電影。

Michael Pitt

Out of Competition – Tim Burton: Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement 2007

Tim BURTON e Henry SELICK Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas 3-D - USA, 76’
animation film - voices: Chris Sarandon, Catherine O'Hara, William Hicke, Carmen Twillie

波頓 (49) 奠定了當代最具個人風格導演之一的美名,但終身成就獎可以等老一點再給。

Out of Competition Events

Michelangelo ANTONIONI N.U. (Nettezza Urbana) (1948) - Italy, 9'
Michelangelo ANTONIONI Vertigine (1950) - Italy, 4'
Michelangelo ANTONIONI Lo sguardo di Michelangelo (2004) - Italy, 15'


Michelangelo Antonioni 1912~2007

Out of Competition Special Events – New Restored Versions

David Wark GRIFFITH Intolerance (1916) - USA / France / Denmark, 180’
Lillian Gish, Mae Marsh, Robert Harron, Elmer Clifton, Constance Talmadge 

D.W. Griffith 的忍無可忍。

"You remind me of Lillian Gish."




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