


–verb (used with object) 
1. to burn or affect painfully with or as if with hot liquid or steam
2. to subject to the action of boiling or hot liquid. 
3. to heat to a temperature just short of the boiling point

to scald [milk].

4. to parboil (先煮成半熟) or blanch (使變白;漂白) (fruit, vegetables, etc.).  

–verb (used without object) 
5. to be or become scalded.  

6. a burn caused by the action of hot liquid or steam. 
7. any similar condition, esp. as the result of too much heat or sunlight. 
8. Plant Pathology
a. a blanching of the epidermis【解】表皮 and adjacent tissues, which turn pale or dark brown, caused by extreme heat or sun exposure. 
b. a condition resembling scald caused by improper conditions of growth or storage, as in apples, or by fungi (fungus的複數,菌類植物), as in cranberries.  

There are comedies of discomfort, and then there's Margot at the WeddingNoah Baumbach's scalding follow-up to The Squid and the Whale. An immersion (沈浸) in sibling malice and simmering resentment, with one of the most infuriating characters in recent movies holding us under, 

Margot tramples the commandment (一誡) that only the pure of heart and noble of deed are worth a viewer's scrutiny. Hard as it may be to imagine a comedy that inflicts [all the psychic torment] of Cries and Whispers, Baumbach has pulled off a more psychologically acute—and funnier—version of the Bergman pastiches that Woody Allen attempted 30 years ago, with a jumpy, nerve-rattling rhythm all his own. 

see scour

FreddyKrueger The buzz on PD’s Friday the 13th revamp took a slight dip with fans last month though the trailer was met with generally favorable reviews. Unlike that popcorn film, nothing I’ve heard really jazzes me about this inevitable ANOES remake. When [Freddy’s] grossly scalded [head] once again rises out of the bathwater between a nubile girl’s legs, I guess Billy Bob would be a fine choice.

see nubile 


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