


1. an ornamental recess (凹處;壁龕)  in a wall or the like, usually semicircular in plan and arched, as for a statue or other decorative object. 
2. a place or position suitable or appropriate for a person or thing: 

to find one's niche in the [business world].  

3. a distinct segment of a market. 
4. Ecology. the position or function of an organism in a community of plants and animals.  

5. pertaining to or intended for a market niche; having specific appeal


–verb (used with object) 
6. to place (something) in a niche.  

2. calling, vocation, slot, berth.



§ 139. niche 

This 17th-century borrowing from French has traditionally been pronounced (nch), rhyming with itch

The pronunciation (nsh), rhyming with quiche, is a 20th-century revival of the French pronunciation, which some people dislike because they think it seems affected. 

However, this pronunciation is now given by most dictionaries as a standard variant.

But filmmakers with an easily defined [niche] and some [marketing flair] 

can still assemble a distribution plan. After doc "Beautiful Losers" debuted at SXSW in March, the filmmakers considered traditional offers from distribs but decided to release the doc on their own. 

Sidetrack Films partnered with Nike Sportswear to sponsor art workshops, and a shoe and apparel company helped pay for its Aug. 8 launch at New York's IFC Center and subsequent rollout (首次展示) to four more markets.

see flair back-formation 

The indie/niche world has two cornerstones (基石): acquisitions and original productions. But with prices too high and too many mediocre films -- indie filmmakers seem to be going through a creative slump -- acquisitions at recent markets have been modest, at best.

Even with all this, specialty arms are doing more of their own productions. As one indie exec says, 

it's how they will [carve] a niche for themselves. 

But that too is filled with risk.
The falling dollar means that shooting a film overseas -- once the saving grace of indies -- now costs 40% more than it did a few years ago, due to the exchange rate.

The niche-indie world has a series of challenges. Unlike past summers, "serious" audiences are migrating to films put out by the majors, with indie voices like Christopher Nolan, Jon Favreau and Guillermo del Toro doing mainstream -- and intelligent -- films.


emblem embalm
twee gaudy
panache pastiche


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