

1. a return of part of the original payment for some service or merchandise; partial refund.  

–verb (used with object) 
2. to allow as a discount
3. to deduct (a certain amount), as from a total. 
4. to return (part of an original payment): 

He rebated [five dollars] to me.  

5. to provide a rebate for (merchandise) after purchase: 

The manufacturer is rebating this [air conditioner].  

to blunt (an edged or pointed weapon).  

7. to cover the edge or point of (an edged or pointed weapon) in order to make it incapable of cutting or piercing.  

–verb (used without object) 
8. to allow rebates, esp. as the policy or practice of a company, store, etc. 


What will Criterion Blu-ray discs cost?

Criterion's Blu-ray editions will generally be priced to match our DVDs. It makes sense to us: High-definition mastering and restoration has been a part of our DVD production standard for years. And for our customers who might be on the fence about whether to buy DVD or Blu-ray, we thought the best thing we could do was [take] price [out] of the equation. 

*Rebate offer subject to change.

scabrous scathe
brash scour

abate to abate a tax 

rebuke ***
reproach (faultfinding, shaming)
rebuke (formally, officially)
scold (at length, irritation)
reprove (milder)

indict (of a grand jury) to bring a formal accusation against
recrimination countercharge
refute to prove to be erroneous, rebut & confute ...I refute the accusation that
castigate to reprimand severely, punish ...castigating him as a "narcissistic" part of the human anatomy



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