a. (形容詞 adjective)
1. 【文】令人非常不快的,討厭的,可憎的
an obnoxious smell
2. 【古】易受損害的[(+to)]
3. 【古】應受懲罰(或譴責)的
The Columbia Guide to Standard American English
obnoxious (adj.)
has two meanings, but the older one, "exposed to something bad or dangerous," as in Sitting out in the damp air was obnoxious to her fragile health, is infrequent when compared with
the newer meaning, "very objectionable, highly offensive or unpleasant," as in
His behavior to our guests was utterly obnoxious.
Both senses are Standard.
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Cast is first-rate all around, unafraid to play up the annoying, insensitive or self-pitying aspects of their nonetheless likeable characters. An unrecognizably severe Blunt almost makes Prudie too much of a pill, though we understand how she got that way once Redgrave's mother makes her memorably obnoxious appearance. On the opposite end of the personality scale, Dancy radiates charm as the sheepishly smitten Grigg.