

1. excessively talkative in a rambling, roundabout manner, esp. about trivial matters. 
2. wordy or diffuse (散漫的,冗長的): 

a garrulous and [boring] speech.  

1. prating, babbling. See talkative. 2. verbose, prolix. (冗長的)

Talkative, garrulous, loquacious characterize a person who talks a great deal. 

is a neutral or mildly unfavorable word applied to a person who is inclined to talk a great deal, sometimes without significance: a talkative [child]. 

The garrulous person talks with wearisome persistence, usually about personal and trivial things: a garrulous old man. 

A loquacious person, intending to be sociable, talks continuously and at length: a loquacious [host].

1. reticent (無言的), uncommunicative, taciturn, close-mouthed.

Prudie is found sobbing outside a revival screening of Patricia Rozema's 1999 "Mansfield Park," which she decries as distorting the novel past recognition. Her distress and ample Austen knowledge attract motherly if bossy interest from Jocelyn and Sylvia's older friend Bernadette (Kathy Baker), a garrulous survivor of six divorces.

matter, as saliva mixed with mucus or pus, expectorate from the lungs and respiratory passages
You gotta slap on, like, [copious] quantities of the old industrial sputum there.
A sliver [of] sky was visible. 
to sliver a [log] into kindling. Deluge 
The [fire] sputtered [cinders]
Pic’s title refers to mob slang for contract killings, and the resulting [blood] splatter on walls and floors.
White was not a fool that just spouted [off] mindless hate,
I fear he must be getting worse, if, like you say, he's spouting stories about being from the year 2470.
One good [burp], and you'll be rid of Miss caswell. The situatiion I'm in ain't the kind you can [belch] out of.
Billows of [smoke] were belching from the [chimney].
The [manholes] still belch Stygian [steam] and the protagonist still exists on the edge of sanity,
Next time you call me out here, that thing better be belching fire. That's an attitude, Larry.
[Oil] gushed from the well.
And of course, despite of having both campy and unironic possibilities, the movie chooses the latter. It doesn't reward us with gushing revelations like "You did this to me!"
a hot spring that intermittently sends up fountainlike jets of water and steam into the air
British. Informal. a hot-water heater, as for a bath
the [kettle] geysering all over the stove.
great [gushing] [geysers] of talk.
Vasundhara Das, as dewy and saucer-[eyed] as Winona Ryder used to be. 茶托,淺碟
We hardly have a matching cup and saucer left anyway. I noticed when I was washing up.
to utter suddenly or inadvertently
People simply blurt [out] scathing remarks,
And Gus sometimes blurts [out] the real-world truths we are also thinking.
Scene by scene, though, their blurting builds into sentences and gradually entire conversations.

We're not talking about a Band-Aid or a tube of unguent. How long you been hooked?
characterized by excessive piousness or moralistic fervor, esp. in an affected manner
excessively smooth, suave, or smug
Pitt is unctuously [evil] as Ivy League psycho Paul, while Corbet is largely his sidekick [dunce].
Was he always such an unctuous little prick.
Working with the actor was difficult—he would often harangu[e t]he crew for hours before [submitting] to a take—and after his brief [dalliance] with fame, he eventually fell back into the [hardscrabble] life of a street musician. He died Wednesday, not much better off than he was when Herzog discovered him 35 years ago. 
cf. diatribe 
threatening or abusive
Lively dialog embraces everything from Furious' righteous sermons to Doughboy's rough, [sexist] diatribes. 
Viridiana was a gleefully blasphemous [tirade] against Catholicism and the Spanish bourgeoisie that proved something of an embarrassment to Spain despite winning top honors at the 1961 Cannes Film Festival.
Florence has just broken off a long-term relationship, and while he's not building a doghouse for his brother's German Shepherd or [penning] angry tirade[s] to corporate America, 
a person's manner of speaking or reading aloud in public
Why, Mary, are you just arriving|for your elocution [class]?
Everything that I thought was one way turns out to be another. Then, it's an opportunity to learn how things really are. I don't mean to sound glib.
Again, every time you try to find a [coherent] spirit of the times, you come up with the [glib], plasticky postmodernism practised by Williamson and Tarantino at his most annoying. 
Walking and Talking is a [glibly] observant comedy about the anxieties of romance and the evolution of a female friendship.
Following a stuttering, insecure youth who joins the debate team after falling hard for a brainy female classmate, this unusually [voluble] comedy is as eloquent about love,

talk foolishly, blather
I'll make you a sandwich, then. About bloody time, you blithering idiot!
Because your two foreigners were almost killed. I hope you can help those children. You have no evidence don't blether.
foolish, voluble talk
You think it must be wedding [blather], but then we cut for a second to their common past,
It was simply blather. And it was a kind of [purposefully] dishonest enthusiasm for product, not real criticism at all... I think he does NOT have the training.
talk in a foolish or simple-minded way, chatter, babble
As the [object] of Boni's peeping-Tom desires, the more mature Bruni-Tedeschi brings some light and air to the otherwise claustrophobic pic, notably in a key scene when she and Boni accidentally meet and she reveals herself as a [prattling] airhead.
an elaborate or complicated procedure
confused, incoherent, foolish, or meaningless talk
She showed no interest in him at all initially, which makes sense because he's a completely uninteresting guy. But for someone like Von Sloneker, that's just inciting. so he swung into action with a full rigmarole about how he...
talk incessantly, chatter 
talk or chat idly, chatter
[adroitly] conveys the gifted gabber's talent for mixing work and pleasure.
Look you and your husband, like bale bringer. You two foreigner don't bring anything. Just illness, gab , thief. Not just begin from today. You don't slander us!
Work now [engulfs] Grégoire -- to such a degree that when he [whisks] his family [off ]on a luxurious vacation to the Italian countryside (more out of necessity than interest), he keeps his cell phone on, and spends the [bulk] of his time gabbing [into] it incessantly.
a gabfest about sex, school, and status, and turned it into a film that is emblematic of an [era]. 
converse informally 
the replacement of a gap in a person's memory by a falsification that he or she believes to be true
It stars Jack Black as Jerry, a shambling, [logorrheic] loser who lives in a trailer.【醫】速語症,多語症
chat idly, gossip 
Schmooze. Shoot pool. What do you say?





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