
[truh-veyl, trav-eyl]

1. painfully difficult or burdensome work; toil
2. pain, anguish or suffering resulting from mental or physical hardship. 
3. the pain of childbirth.  

–verb (used without object) 
4. to suffer the pangs of childbirth; be in labor. 
5. to toil or exert oneself.  

1. labor, moil. 2. torment, agony.

Chronological narrative is chaptered by titles noting the month and its particular book club title, which protags interpret in terms of their current emotional travails. It's Fowler's savvy conceit that Austen's delightfully insightful prose can be a lightning rod (避雷針) for whatever a reader of any era wants or needs to discover.

They had an obstetric nurse. Did we get a deposition from her?
Director Cameo: [David Cronenberg] obstetrician who delivers the maggot baby.
Dr. Victor Mott, Seattle gynecologist and obstetrician, was brought up today on formal charges by the district attorney's office.
I was in my last year of nursing college. We were doing some work experience in a paediatric hospital. I'd decided to specialize in kids, because I've always liked them.

beget or generate (offspring)
Do people have sex in the future? Biologicals do. Thank the Lord. But only two times in a lifetime, and that's to procreate.
menstrual [cramp][s]
it would be harder to ignore that Aviva has a sense of [sex] and [procreation] that, save for the protection of matrimony, is virtually identical to that of the Christian right.
This woman was overdue, she was expecting twins, and the babies were in danger. So they decided to do a [caesarean] and the mother was put under a general anesthetic. And... it turned out they were Siamese [twins]. 剖腹產
Sandy. Can I have your autograph? Oh, sure. There you go. I was a cesarean. Oh. That's great. 剖腹產

"You get much more from your pelvic floor" 
"When you pass on the bagel and do one more Kegel" 
Jesus Christ. Tell me, do I have to be this uncool for the rest of my life?
I didn't think it was usual to give pelvic exams after the third month.
We have to perform a hysterectomy.【醫】子宮切除術
Worse yet, due to a complication during the procedure, the doctor is forced to [perform] a hysterectomy. 
That's a good-lookin' dog. Where'd you get him at? Have you had that thing checked out for a hysterectomy? I think it's got halitosis or something.
She didn't touch it. Emergency hysterectomy.
She had endometriosis.【醫】子宮內膜組織異位形成
Verona, are you on schedule? Oh! Jerry! You don't ask her that! But I'll tell you what scares me, it's that tilted uterus of yours. Does it really? 
And it is so important to expose your kids to sexuality, especially in utero.【拉】在胎內時,出生之前
Okay? It's cervical. 
The lesion, not surprisingly causes diffuse enlargement of the cervix and, of course, our old friend, leucorrhoea. 頸部,子宮頸
an injury, hurt, wound
any localized, abnormal structural change in the body
No other visible external lesions... The body is cold... On the anterior part of the thorax... Bites made by a human of adult age... The gynecological exam... Sperm was also present inside the vagina.

fallopian tube
Irrigation. I'll be an exaggeration to say we canmake up a new set of fallopian tubes, using just anything thay's handy.【解】輸卵管
It's impossible. Lois could never have Superman's baby. Do you think her fallopian tubes can handle his sperm?
The morculum is working superbly. Shall I insert the manticulator?Please. What's the diagnosis? Intra-ovular surgery.
Well, you better figure it out soon. I can't ovulate forever.
Why the seahorses, Rod? In the seahorse community, the males give birth. The female inserts her ovipositor into the male's brood pouch. That's where she deposits her eggs.【昆】產卵管,產卵器
He wept... in a fetal position for over a year. I held him tight.
I'm sorry, Athena. I was attending a birth. The placenta wa late in coming.【解】胎盤,【植】胎座
Sit, Verona. Sit next to me and let me hear the heartbeat. You can't hear the heartbeat 'cause her placenta is on... Okay.
This woman was overdue, she was expecting twins, and the babies were in danger. So they decided to do a [caesarean] and the mother was put under a general anesthetic. And... it turned out they were Siamese [twins]. 連體雙胞胎

Miss Redgrave reaching deep into her leather pouch of a [handbag] to bring forth a tiny shower of confetti for her just-married friends,【動】育兒袋,肚囊,頰囊 
Well, I need a pram. And a cot. And some nappies. 嬰兒車
I'll leave this pram here in the hall. Is that all right?
So, have you chosen a doula? I already had one. A little weird, but good. A doula, Burtie, not a dolma. We are not using a doula. Really? Who is your midwife? Oh, no, no. Midwives and doulas are for when the husband is clueless or doesn't want to be involved. And I'm neither of those things. 在嬰兒生產時候以及後來負責照料的女性

the [pangs] of [childbirth] 
harting the [romantic] travails of its four characters, Water Drops on Burning Rocks portrays a world where relationships,
the [pangs] of [childbirth] [paroxysm]
the throes of [battle] 
She's reliving the throes of adolescent-style [awkwardness]. [Between] bouts,
This is the second time Kate Winslet has been in a movie where she makes love in a vintage car and someone's hand hits the window and slides down it in the [throes] of passion,
Jeremy Davies, so memorable as the cowardly soldier in Saving Private Ryan, makes a richly textured starring debut, expertly charting the death [throes] of the character's optimism.
Bette Davis' marriage to William Grant Sherry was in the throes of breaking up while she was making the film. Her [raspy] voice in the film is largely due to the fact that she [burst] a blood vessel in her throat from screaming at her soon-to-be-ex-husband during one of their many [rows]. Director Joseph L. Mankiewicz liked the [croaky] quality so he didn't [have] Davis change it.
A fortysomething New Yorker in the throes of a midlife crisis falls for his brother's assistant while house-sitting for his sibling in Los Angeles.



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