

n. (名詞 noun)[C][U]

          1.    馬具,挽具
          2.    挽具狀帶子;降落傘背帶;保險帶;安全帶

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)

          1.    給...上挽具;套(馬)[(+to)]
                      The farmer harnessed the horse to the cart.
          2.    治理,利用;控制,駕馭
                      They will harness the sun's energy to heat homes.
                      It will take a couple of years to harness that river.


1. the combination of straps, bands, and other parts forming the working gear of a draft animal. Compare yoke
2. (on a loom 織布機) the frame containing heddles (綜線) through which the warp (歪斜) is drawn and which, in combination with another such frame or other frames, forms the shed and determines the woven pattern. 
3. the equipment, as straps, bolts, or gears, by which a large bell is mounted and rung. 
4. Electricity. wiring harness. 
5. armor for persons or horses.  

–verb (used with object) 
6. to put a harness on (a horse, donkey, dog, etc.); attach by a harness, as to a vehicle. 
7. to bring under conditions for effective use; gain control over for a particular end: 

to harness [water power]
to harness the [energy] of the sun.  

8. Archaic. to array in armor or equipments of war.  

9. in double harness, Informal. married.  
10. in harness
a. engaged in one's usual routine of work: 

After his illness he longed to get [back] in harness

b. together as cooperating partners or equals: 

[Joe and I] worked in harness on our last job.

7. control, manage, utilize, exploit.

Even_Prem_TheI0086 In the new version, Betty (Liv Tyler) still has big problems with her father the general (William Hurt); she's appalled by his plans to harness the Hulk formula and create a race of super-soldiers.  

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