n. (名詞 noun)
1. 吟誦史詩;狂詩;狂文;【音】狂想曲
1. Music. an instrumental composition irregular in form and suggestive of improvisation.
2. an ecstatic expression of feeling or enthusiasm.
3. an epic poem, or a part of such a poem, as a book of the Iliad (伊里亞特,歌詠特洛依戰爭的敘事詩), suitable for recitation at one time.
4. a similar piece of modern literature.
5. an unusually intense or irregular poem or piece of prose.
6. Archaic. a miscellaneous collection; jumble (使雜亂).
(Kirsten Dunst, Kate Beckinsale, Jennifer Connelly, Rachel Weisz, Brittany Murphy, Selma Blair, Rosario Dawson, Christina Applegate, Naomi Watts - "RHAPSODY IN BLUE", 2002)