a. (形容詞 adjective)
1. 破爛的;破舊的
An old man in shabby clothes came to the door.
2. 邋遢的,骯髒的
3. 破落的,破敗的
That shabby street needs remodelling.
4. 卑鄙的,不光彩的
It's shabby to speak ill of others behind their backs.
5. 不體面的,寒酸的
She looks shabby.
6. 吝嗇的;菲薄的
Strangers get such shabby treatment in this town that they never want to visit it again.
7. 低劣的
His reasoning is weak, even shabby.
1. impaired by wear, use, etc.; worn:
shabby [clothes].
2. showing conspicuous (顯著的) signs of wear or neglect:
The rooms on the upper floors of the mansion had a rather shabby [appearance], as if they had not been much in use of late.
3. wearing worn clothes or having a slovenly (不修邊幅的) or unkempt appearance:
a shabby [person].
4. run-down, seedy (衣衫襤褸的), or dilapidated (快要倒塌):
a shabby [hotel].
5. meanly ungenerous or unfair; contemptible, as persons, actions, etc.:
shabby [behavior].
6. inferior; not up to par in quality, performance, etc.:
a shabby rendition of the sonata.
For Zodiac I thought, Okay, I’ll take the part. It’s kind of a rite of passage. And if I was going to be a girlfriend to anybody, Jake Gyllenhaal is not too shabby.
stubby dilapidated