n. (名詞 noun)
1. 霾,薄霧[C][U]
I could hardly see her through a blue haze of smoke.
2. 一股藍色的煙霧使我幾乎看不見她。
3. 朦朧;模糊[C]
vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)
1. (使)模糊;(使)朦朧[(+over)]
vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)
1. 使勞累;使苦惱
2. 【美】欺侮,戲弄(同學)
1. an aggregation in the atmosphere of very fine, widely dispersed, solid or liquid particles, or both, giving the air an opalescent (乳白) appearance that subdues colors.
2. vagueness or obscurity, as of the mind or perception; confused or vague thoughts, feelings, etc.: The victims were still in a haze and couldn't describe the accident.
–verb (used with object), verb (used without object)
3. to make or become hazy.
The background is a nondescript go-cart track lined with brightly colored tires, the sky above a billowing blue haze. Time slows to a crawl as the bike circles toward the camera.
see giddy chafe excruciate fret fluster fidget